Mental Health Support
Related: About this forumCheck in please, how is everyone ?
I am ok, probably a 5. I'd say why I'm not better, but last time I did, I got some responses that really pissed me off (not from any regulars here, from people who NEVER come here).
PSA to lurkers: If you CANNOT be kind and tactful, STF out of this forum, ok ? Go be blunt and tactless in General Discussion. You'll rightly get your ass handed to you.
Ok, I feel better. Sorry.
(34,586 posts)Calm numb acceptance is one way to describe me today.
(37,468 posts)irisblue
(34,586 posts)metroins
(2,550 posts)A little jaded and everything seems gray. Just going through the motions of life without much fulfillment.
On paper I'd be a 10, but inside just a little gray. I need excitement.
Hopefully you can get your spirits up to a 7, it's not a bad place.
(152,817 posts)I think it's perfectly good to give the nasty lurkers what for.
As to how I am........pretty good. I've been having a lot of fun with my photos and this makes me very happy. I've had some good feedback about them.
Otherwise, not much to report. My life is tranquil and mostly happy. Well, as long as I don't think about the current craziness in DC, that is.
Please take care of yourself, OK?
(37,468 posts)You take care too. I really wish I had met you years ago, alas, sigh. I'll get back to LA eventually.
The Blue Flower
(5,677 posts)I rely on DU to stay informed. Since knowledge is power, I feel empowered knowing that this community has persevered and grown since its inception. Fifteen years in this world makes DU an institution. This community is passionate and committed to pursuing the truth. My 67 years have been chock full of challenges, and I've learned how to meet them, transcend them, and transform them into strength and wisdom. I feel the same is happening to this country. Yes, the drumpsters will try to do their worst and it will be ugly. But destructiveness always, always, always, ends in self-destruction because deplorable people just never know when to stop. They can't stop themselves from going too far.
Screw your courage to the sticking place, friends. We've got this because we have each other and every decent citizen of this country.
(1,178 posts)been feeling like stuff has been hitting me none stop for a while now
last winter got a stress fracture on one foot, then since start of the year have had one kind of a sickness after another just get over one and another takes its place (colds, flue bronchitis etc) then my S.I joint got messed up (that is painful) dealing with that and that mans request to put everyone's voter rolls info in public I HATE info that could lead to identity theft being publicly accessible .
Then to day a new stress, I was trying to get shopping done when I backed into someone at the grocery store.
No damage that I could see on my car but she had what looked to me like a very small dent and small scrapes/ paint missing. Regardless of damage now insurance crap etc. Stuff like that stresses me out.
So at the moment I feel like crying.
But since I saw that Steve felt better after he put words down, in his post that the same thing will happen to me.
(3,702 posts)Those random unexpected stresses (backing into someone) can be the breaking point in any day.
(1,178 posts)n.t.
(37,468 posts)thinkingagain
(1,178 posts)n.t.
(1,352 posts)The medical marijuana tincture that I started a month ago for chronic pain is having a definite effect on my mood as well - much less despairing and hopeless the last few weeks. Of course, this might be because the mmj is actually *working* to reduce my pain, rather than any direct effect on my brain chemistry, but either way I'll take it!
(3,702 posts)chronic pain is such a nightmare - you don't realize how energy it sucks out of you from dealing with it day to day until you have a day you have less pain. I hope the medical marijuana continues to work for you
Tobin S.
(10,420 posts)...I'm kind of in a strange place in my head. I have people in my life who love me, but I still feel alone in some regards. I don't feel like very many people truly understand me. That could be as much my fault as anyone's. It's sort of like I'm speaking a language that most people don't understand.
(3,702 posts)I think I am at a 7 even though I am having a low energy day. Did some cooking last week for the first time in a while and it was good to feed my husband. I am a picky eater but my husband will eat and enjoy anything. He is fun to cook for because I can try new recipes that I would never eat.
I do miss having optimism- I don't seem to have much of that anymore. I am one of those "happy" depressed people - I still try to find a silver lining in everything no matter how bad things get, but that is getting harder to do.
I am most frustrated that our current health plan through my husband's employer does not cover mental health visits (like to my therapist who I have seen for years and helps me stay on track) - so each visit sets us back $250 which we can't afford so I have only seen him 2x this year.
Looking forward to a bonfire and maybe a beer Tues night