Mental Health Support
Related: About this forumWill someone say goodbye to Elocs for me?
I've triggered her anger and I am now the object of a greatest page hate fest.
Really done with DU this time

Tobin S.
(10,420 posts)I appreciate all that you have done here in regards to changing minds and raising awareness about mental health issues. This place is more welcoming to the mentally ill than it ever was thanks in part to what you have done here. And people take that stuff from the Web out into reality. What you have done here may go well beyond the message board.
I will always have a great deal of respect for you.
I saw the thread you posted earlier today and I posted in it as well. To those who know you, I think it was obvious where you were going with it. Elocs didn't know where you were coming from. When you tried to explain he or she acted as if he or she hadn't understood what you said and stayed on the path of indignation.
You know what really sucks about all that? You and Elocs are actually on the same side. You were on the same team fighting each other for the rebound. I tried to yell "Same!" but I guess you guys didn't hear me over all the noise.
(36,063 posts)online and offline...
I can't sustain the willful submission required of the illusion that masked the pointlessness.
(138,541 posts)via pm.
(36,063 posts)to where she launched from.
I didn't mean throw a trigger in her path.
(138,541 posts)just want to maintain relations with you.
(6,154 posts)I have a lot of respect for you and despite not having been around here as long I can see that you want to help and are always well meaning. You also come across as one of the most intelligent posters on here!
If you do decide to leave please know that you will be missed. Don't leave out of a sense of having disappointed others, as, like I said we all still support you. But if you feel you have to for your own personal reasons, health, we will understand and support that too.
Feel free to keep in touch via pm any time!
(39,357 posts)Nobody in our family died on the streets, even the sorts who talked only to ants crawling up and down the trees.
I'm an ant whisperer too. The ants and I have a treaty. The ants can have the compost heap but not the kitchen. Our organic gardener treaty has held for more than a decade now.
My dysfunctional grandma understood hot metal, dogs, horses, and when she was young, hot horny sailors. Nobody else. Beyond that she was insane. My siblings and I went with it. She was gentle with children. We couldn't understand why adults expected anything more of her. Grandma was what she was. No reason to fight with her. I was a homeless guy living in my car and she sent me a hundred bucks a month for food and my post office box. My only "real life" then was in my post office box and an internet connection some other crazy person had given me. (I first logged onto the internet in 1979. I've been here since.)
My grandma's "career" was shipyard hot metal, the "luck" of a World War II Rosie-the-Riveter. She got a job and worked it well until she retired.
Beyond that my grandma's life was a never-ending catastrophic soap opera. Without family she'd have died on the streets as a mean, mean, mean nasty old bag lady. She was nasty. She could kill or castrate a man with her tongue. Her mom, OMG, she could cut apart small mammals and fish for dinner faster than you could see her hands move.. My most likely relative to have killed a man and called her friend the county sheriff-coroner to clean up the mess and file the proper paperwork.
All the women in my family are strong wild American west. For the men it's a wild, often terrifying, ride.
A quarter of my grandma is in my genes. The other 3/4 of me is similar, none "normal." Rocket scientist, Hollywood, and artist.
But nobody in this world is "normal." They all just pretend, some better than others.
In my world it's always okay to be yourself so long as you are not a danger to yourself or others. I've always been "mostly harmless;" a danger to myself more than others, even when, as Dr. Who says, I don't know what I'm doing.
When I was in middle school I used to simply walk or run away whenever things got too heavy. My mom and dad figured I'd be home for dinner, and mostly I was. Two of my siblings ran away from home at sixteen. I just quit high school for college. I'm not so courageous But I think my feral childhood spared me a lot of grief. Every damned waking and dreaming minute of my life is a "trigger."
The only thing possible in my world is to "be yourself."
You've accomplished good here on DU, HereSince1628. Leave or stay, that will remain.