ScienceFocus: Resilience: What it is and how to build it
"The current pandemic confronts us with unfamiliar and changing demands, in a context of pervasive fear and uncertainty, and we wanted to explore the promise of psychological flexibility as a source of resilience under these conditions, says Golijani-Moghaddam.
As you might expect, the pair found elevated levels of anxiety in their sample (27 per cent met the criteria for an anxiety disorder versus an expected 6 per cent during normal times), but crucially, those individuals who scored higher for psychological flexibility were less likely to be experiencing anxiety or depression, and also reported higher overall wellbeing.
"It is all about showing up to what is here for us at the moment, and moving forward despite the discomfort."
If you want to cultivate your own resilience, or the resilience of those you care about or are responsible for, there are three elements you can focus on: developing a suite of coping mechanisms; nurturing the psychological flexibility to accept difficult emotions, and knowing how and when to deploy your various coping strategies; and finally, being mindful of your values, so that you can continue to live a meaningful life in the face of adversity.
Much more at link. This is a great article!