Hemorrhoids: Has anyone had surgery for this?
Or do you know of someone who has had surgery.

(113,131 posts)if only because you can never show anyone your scar unless you're incredibly annoyed at them.
The two other bad things about it are the prep and the aftermath, meaning that first bowel movement after surgery. Most people are surprised they still need the surgery after the prep. And everybody feels like they're passing tin can lids, razor blades, broken beer bottles and barbed wire the first time afterward, even with laxatives and stool softeners.
However, recovery is extremely rapid and people get back to better than normal very quickly.
(17,258 posts)the pain is horrible. I can't imagine it being worse than what I have now though. I'm scheduled for a colonoscopy this Friday. (Mother died of colon cancer so I'm tested regularly) I've had chronic diahrea for ever it seems and the bleeding hemorrhoids are just getting worse. I know the DR is going to suggest surgery as he did last time. I don't think I can put it off any longer
Thanks Warpy.
(21,729 posts)the surgery will probably be a blessing, like having a tooth pulled when it's infected. good luck to you!
I'm only responding because I read through the thread and no one else acknowledged your fine sense of humor.
one of the worst ops if only because you can never show anyone your scar unless you're incredibly annoyed at them

(21,729 posts)many years ago. i believe they did the rubber band surgery, where it just dies and drops off. he was in excruciating pain and had to sit on a donut pillow for awhile. it cured him, though.
(71,845 posts)The first couple of bowel movements made her rethink the decision, but after that she's been glad she did it. The recovery time was really pretty short. Probably around a week, and doctor told me she had one of the largest internal hemmorhoids he had ever removed.
After her experience, i think i'd be ok with getting them taken care of, though thankfully, i don't have that issue.
(17,258 posts)it being more pain than I'm going through right now. It's gotten progressively worse over this past year. My issues are mostly internal with some external activity too.
I am living on pain killers these days and AnuCort suppositories. The pain killers are killing my stomach and I don't have much of a stomach to work with so I'm quite afraid of the damage they are doing.
thanks for your response and sorry for the TMI.
(1,488 posts)bad..fast recovery..MD gave me some sort of oil (not castor oil)
from the first day and the first BM was a breeze...no pain at all.
He said that was a trick he had learned as a resident. No problems
since...good luck...z
(10,849 posts)How did everything go? I hope you are better now.
(17,258 posts)have the surgery. The pain became unbearable and the Dr admitted me to the hospital a week before my surgeon's appointment. It turns out that I had fissures (tears) that had become infected and bleeding a lot. Did I mention the pain? ouch.
Anyway, there were complications ( I have other health issues) and I was kept in for 6 days on IV nutrients, anti-biotics and pain meds.
I still have issues 'down there' but not surgery worthy.
again, thanks for asking.
(10,849 posts)special diet? I hope you are out of pain.
(17,258 posts)I have malabsorption issues hence a LOT of loose movements (TMI sorry) I try to get a good balance of fiber though to bulk up. The problem is too loose or too bulky causes irritation.
I don't absorb 90% of the fats I eat so I try really hard to limit that as well.
Water, lots of water helps.
Some days are better than others re pain.
(17,258 posts)I have an appointment with a surgeon for a 2nd opinion this coming Monday July 02.
I can't take the pain anymore and I sure as hell can't live on Percocets.
My diet is a health well balanced one. I drink lots of water. I just cannot heal from the fissures and hemorrhoids.
Maybe surgery will do it.
keeping my fingers crossed.
(17,258 posts)supposed to relax the sphincter muscle and surrounding tissue to promote healing. It took a few days for the chemist to prepare it and I picked it up Friday morning.
So far (it's not been long enough)nothing. Applying it 3x a day.
Lots of pain causing sleepless nights. I'm at my wits end.