They really don't give a shit about you suffering do they?
I was told over a year ago that my nose was almost completely closed by polyps. The doctor said he wanted to start with allergy shots because if he took them out right then, with my severe allergies they would just grow back. So I went through the allergy testing and started the shots and I can tell they are making a difference.
But in the beginning of December I got a terrible cold. And then it was in my sinuses and it just won't go away. I have used boxes and boxes of klenex and my nose is raw from blowing, (although at this point blowing isn't even much help)
I'm angry that it is taking this long to get the surgery. When I went to him about a month and a 1/2 ago after 2 rounds of antibiotics he said he wanted to try some special antibiotic, steroid up the nose with a atomier type thing first. Supposedly it was to come in the mail in about 2 days. 2 weeks later it arrived. And after using it for about a week I realized it wasn't helping at all so I called and said I just wanted the surgery.
So then they say something about how they changed their name, (the changed something on their bill) and it would take 2 weeks for my insurance to kick in so I would have to wait.
It is almost frigging March and I have been sick since December! I'm sure I would not be so irritated if I wasn't feeling so damn sick all the time! Most of the time now I have to shove a Klenex up my nose to make sure it won't just start draining down, (sorry for the gross description) and I don't want to go anywhere of course. My house is a mess because I can't really clean it since I feel like crap.
I just wanted to vent. If anyone else has had someone similar please share. I feel like I am all along in the world with this thing and I'd love to hear from someone else who has gone through it.
(5,946 posts)My coughing was so annoying, they came to me at work and said I could not work there anymore because no one else in the office could work. I was an independent contractor so they could have fired me, but instead they let me work nights and weekends.
The problem: I had been going to the same doctor for a year and he kept giving me antibiotics that did nothing. Ten one day the doctor was sick and I got another doctor - she gave me a prescription for an antibiotic that cost 1000 a month and it really calmed it down. But it did not go away, I could just work during the day again. She sent me to an out of network specialist that she said was the best in the country, after she asked if i could afford it. I had already had my head screwed to a board for 1 hour of MRI and that did nothing , so to go to the best was acceptable. When I went to this doctor, he threw a camera up my nose and saw what the problem was immediately - having a sinus infection for a year sealed most of my sinuses shut with scar tissue so it was a river of infection coming back whenever I stopped antibiotic. I went into surgery and had the holes drilled open and have never been sick like that again, although I tend to sneeze more, maybe because the holes are open and I can take in more dust,
My suggestion, if possible, change doctors.
(23,111 posts)do on Tuesday. He already took an MRI, (or cat scan?) of my sinuses and showed me how they were blocked but he hoped that the allergy shots would help shrink them. So he is going in Tuesday to remove the polyps and make sure that the sinuses will drain.
I've watched several videos of this type of surgery on Youtube and it is amazing what collects in there. I know that is what my problem is. And I am with an ear nose and throat guy. I am just pissed that it has taken this long when they knew what the problem was.
But I should be grateful I don't have to go for a year with it.
(5,946 posts)While they were in there, they fixed a deviated septum, but my mother was mad that I did not have my nose trimmed. Kind of shocked me, I always liked my nose. For 3 days I had to sleep sitting up because I automatically breathe through my nose unless I am sitting up. as hard as that is some times like when I have a cold. They pack you nose with so much gauze I could not believe how long it took to get it out - it was like a bad magician with the endless scarf trick.
Yes the year with coughing and phlegm was bad - how bad was it? I kept a bucket next to my bed so I could spit in it at night. I went though a box of tissue or two a day. It was so bad that my dog who refused to sit on my bed for a minute because it was my bed(she was a stickler for proper behavior) I woke up choking one night (;like I did so many) and she was sitting on my bed looking down at me like she was going to do CPR.
The doctor said to take 6 weeks off from work, I really only need 1 week, but then my dog had surgery, so I took the rest and did not tell them I was better and I carried the dog in and out of the house because her legs were in a cast (so much for no lifting, she weight 70 pounds, ha ha.
(75,480 posts)I kept getting bouts of walking pneumonia every time I got a cold and my sinuses were chronically clogged.
Since I'm on traditional Medicare I finally went to a nose specialist on my own without a referral. He diagnosed me with polyps and a severely deviated septum. This could only be corrected with surgery. I won't say it was a picnic recovering from it, especially with packing in my nose and drainage tubes. I was very uncomfortable for a week until the healing set in. But it's such a relief to be able to breathe normally for the first time in my life. Also, my allergies and sinus problems have almost disappeared with just some seasonal discomfort.
Don't give up. Make them do what you need.
(23,111 posts)Maraya1969
(23,111 posts)just did the sinuses in my nose and left the other ones alone and I am having the worst time. It hasn't gotten any better. Except that now, instead of thick mucus coming out I have a running stream that I have to catch with a tissue all the time. I still sleep with a tissue in my nose.
I am so disgusted. I want to scream. Maybe I should get a second opinion.
Edit: I just read about thyme helping so I literally ground some up in my coffee grounder and snorted it up my nose. Interesting that it seems to have stopped it for now.
(75,480 posts)problems were deeper. Also my PC Dr. didn't really check that far. I decided to go to a specialist on my own. He actually did a procedure where they use dye like they do for ulcers and then they can Xray to get a better look. Then he recommended surgery after telling me what he found. The surgery was what helped. I still get occasional seasonal sinusitis but I'm 100% better. I would go to another doctor and even another until you get the relief you need.