Related: About this forumDo your teeth just wear out at a certain age?
I'm in my early 80s and my teeth are getting thin. I've still got most of them and wasn't concerned until I lost part of a tooth recently. It was the part that was in the back of the tooth but I was surprised it just crumbled off.
I wonder if the wonders of dentistry can reinforce teeth that are good but just getting thin?
I know we have dentists here on DU. Hope to hear from you!

(8,868 posts)I don't think I'm guilty of that, but it's good to know.
(65,820 posts)RKP5637
(67,112 posts)with their teeth actually breaking off at the gum line ... since young. I think the porosity might differ making some teeth more fragile. It will be interesting to hear what some dentists say. Fortunately, I've never had that problem and I'm older than dirt!!! LOL
(5,073 posts)My dad was buried with his original teeth. My mother, OTOH, had her original teeth pulled at an early age, had trouble with dentures hurting, went back to the dentist, found out an entire new set of new teeth were descending! Unfortunately, there were all kinds of trouble with those new teeth, so once descended those were pulled. From there on out, wore dentures to this day.
All of us kids, except my brother (that I know of) have trouble with our teeth. I'm on my upper dentures, about ready to go for my lowers (should have been done 2 years ago, but I procrastinate).
Like I said, I think it's genetic... also, probably lifestyle and habits. Good old Nature and Nurture.
(22,018 posts)Polly Hennessey
(7,732 posts)to strength my enamel. I also have my teeth cleaned about every four months.