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This message was self-deleted by its author (littlemissmartypants) on Fri Nov 26, 2021, 10:18 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

Response to littlemissmartypants (Original post)
Larissa This message was self-deleted by its author.
Response to Larissa (Reply #1)
littlemissmartypants This message was self-deleted by its author.
(16,903 posts)This is a fekking nightmare.
(148,630 posts)This is microbiology in action. It's been almost 2 full years now and we all "know the drill".
Mitigation, mitigation, mitigation. That means masking and other strategies, like improved HVAC systems for indoor settings.
There are a number of localities like here in Philly, where there is an indoor masking mandate (ours went into effect back in August and it is still in effect). So far, through the late summer/early fall spike, we have been able to keep our numbers relatively low for our population vs the rest of the state of PA, with the transmission rate holding in the 3% range here so far (which includes breakthroughs and/or reinfections). We are also still doing mitigation for large events including what was done for our Thanksgiving Parade (oldest in the nation) that happened yesterday.
Many of the balloon handlers and other performers were masked, even with them being outdoors. I thought these guys were pretty cool -
One of the things that researchers are trying to do is see if there is a way to use mRNA tech in a way that can be made adaptable enough to effectively mimic the "look" of what are often the "hidden" (due to protein folding) parts of a variant's spikes so that a better set of antibodies can be produced to respond that will better help neutralize, and clear an infection.
(6,866 posts)True, but not unexpected.
The more people there are around the world incubating the virus, the more likely the virus will throw up mutations that put previous versions to shame.
Pre-delta things were going reasonably well.
Then came Delta . . .
It's just a repeat of this.
Expect more in this sequence: new virus -> people die -> new vaccines -> now we can relax, all under control -> whoops! Back to square one!