Related: About this forumMy trans nephew has absolute shit parents.
Myles is 17 and lives in Missouri with his parents, Myndi (my sister) and Travis. He's worked at McDonald's since the day after his 16th birthday. His parents take over half his income as "their right." They do not honor who he is. They dead-name him. They never supported him in school. They bitched about cheerleading being just another financial drain, never went to his concerts or games, didn't care when he graduated early and with excellent grades. It's clear to me that Myles was to them a later-in-life "mistake" (Myndi was 38 when he was born), and Christ, do they ever treat him like it.
Last night, after work (after midnight), Myles was driving a co-worker's car and wrecked it. After he called 911, he called his parents multiple times, but neither of them answered. He called continually from the ER for 90 minutes, and neither of them ever answered. The police were sympathetic and drove him home.
At around 4:00 am, Myles woke Travis to talk about what had happened. Du miracle, Travis was reasonable, and "actually said he was sorry and he wishes he could have done something." Piss-poor weak, but at least he didn't strike the young man. As they spoke, Myndi awoke and began screaming. (Myles didn't elaborate on the screaming, but I imagine she was pissed at being awakened and then pissed at the reason.)
This kid has been discounted, mistreated, used, beaten, and ignored by his shit parents all his life. He and I text daily, often marathons. I do everything I can for him from 1,800 miles away, but it's inadequate. He needs the presence of an adult who cares about him.
I've been trying to talk him into taking a trip out here for a week or two, but he is afraid to ask for time off from work. Also, his quasi-boyfriend, Michael, is afraid Myles will get hurt if he comes out here. I don't know what Michael is talking about.
He's moving out of the parents' house on his 18th birthday next February. It can't come soon enough.
Myles weighs heavy on my heart every waking minute - and sometimes I dream about him, his loathsome parents, and his impossible situation.
Thank you for listening.
(21,175 posts)I made $500/month.
It was cheaper to rent an apartment in The City!
So, I moved out as it was plain stupid to pay him rent and commute to San Francisco to live in the family home so I left!
Not Heidi
(1,479 posts)CountAllVotes
(21,175 posts)He needed that money to feed his jones.
It was not a great situation to say the very least!
(30,426 posts)parents were either shit or absent... trapped in her rural home with no friends and no future. She isn't trans... but is somewhere on the autistic scale so she needs a little understanding and attention.
I got her dad to send her to me to raise from 15 on... finished high school, lots of friends, off to college and doing better.
Her horrible step-mom divorced her dad and moved to Canada... and accused me of being a pedophile (with absolutely no evidence, just a MAGA thing to throw at a California based liberal).
At least her Dad doesn't believe the step-mom.
(6,346 posts)Quakerfriend
(5,691 posts)this. - So glad he has you- no matter the distance.
Perhaps, he should apply to a college near you??
(29,932 posts)Petition the court for emancipation?
There are MacDonalds everywhere.
The young man needs some TLC.
Not Heidi
(1,479 posts)we being my wife and sister (with whom we share a home) and I. It's problematic for a number of reasons.
But it's also my dream.
(121,777 posts)you and your nephew.
Please do whatever you can to have him come to you. I know you are anxious as it is, but please. Michael is afraid he will lose Myles, and is just freaking out. I am worried for you and fir Myles.
Not Heidi
(1,479 posts)That hurts you. Just think best thoughts for him, for us. We'll be aware.
(2,368 posts)He could look into becoming emancipated before he turns 18.
Not Heidi
(1,479 posts)I don't think he has the emotional stamina for it. He hasn't taken even the first step.
No matter. He knows he can depend on me for the duration.
(18,840 posts)Not Heidi
(1,479 posts)Chainfire
(17,757 posts)As a parent I can't imagine such cruelty. My "kids" are in their 40s now, and if either needed to come home they could live for free in a loving environment as long as they needed it. They know it. The interesting thing is that they have never asked us for anything after leaving home. My wife and I would give anything, up to and including our lives for our kids and would do so without a second thought or remorse.
Not Heidi
(1,479 posts)Best I can do is be like that to the farthest extent possible.
(12,188 posts)It breaks my heart to see any child mistreated. Im wishing Myles all the best.
Not Heidi
(1,479 posts)Katinfl
(287 posts)It is so great that he has you as a positive influence on his life. Many kids dont have that so he is indeed fortunate. However, that does not excuse his parents. Honestly, they sound like trash. i feel for you and for him but continue what you are doing it makes a difference. I certainly hope there is a way out for this young person down the road. He sounds like a wonderful person. God bless you both.
Not Heidi
(1,479 posts)Skittles
(161,341 posts)many of us have survived chaotic childhoods and it always helps to know someone is on your side....
(65,189 posts)I would count on Myles being ok. Just my gut sense.
Not Heidi
(1,479 posts)I think he'll be ok.
(65,189 posts)I think you are giving him a bridge into a stable life, just by being there as a supportive, loving person in his life.
Not Heidi
(1,479 posts)You are so kind. Your words give me comfort. I do so hope I'm doing right by him. Thank you.
Not Heidi
(1,479 posts)I can't wait until he can feel it in person.
(880 posts)99% of the at-risk youth had shitty parents, and/or shitty situations.
Not Heidi
(1,479 posts)Sucks to hear that, but I'm not surprised.
(6,017 posts)Given the horrendous anti-trans climate in MO & the likelihood that it will get much worse between now and the run up to election campaign season 2024, I'd strongly advise them to move out of state if at all possible when he turns 18. I'm sure they know the closest safe states.
I'd love to be able to say I'm shocked by what you told us (thank you, btw; it's never easy) but it's far too common among young queer kids. Myles is a strong young man to make it this far. Good for you, for helping him know he is loved.
Not Heidi
(1,479 posts)and he has told me he knows it. He once told me that he wishes he'd known me when he was younger; that I have helped him so much these last couple of years. He made me weep at that. He's a special young man.
(385 posts)of aunts and uncles becomes extra clear in such situations. I thank you for your humanity and for being supportive of Myles. Into each life, a little rain must fall. But you are the sunshine that comes afterwards. Myles needs that light and warmth. Thank you for sharing. Stay strong and keep on.
Not Heidi
(1,479 posts)Thank you.
(113,131 posts)and even bringing him out to where life is a little saner is risky, although it would be enlightening for the kid to find out some of the rest of the country aint Missouri. The risk is that he might not want to go home and you'd be in hot water because he's a minor.
This time next year, when he's sprung from growing up jail, you can make the offer again.
Not Heidi
(1,479 posts)I do hope to see him before then, but I'm not optimistic.
(150 posts)were religious nuts. It didn't sound like it so if that is true at least he doesn't have to deal with that religious anachronistic worldview. Either way, he'll be out soon and that will be a good thing.
Not Heidi
(1,479 posts)(who smokes/smokes and drinks, but hey, who am I to judge?). I say she's a nut because she's all the time telling him he's going to hell. Mofo.
(103,199 posts)Hope he gets the help he needs!
Not Heidi
(1,479 posts)but it's clear they're non-thinkers, at the very least.
(26,031 posts)are irresponsible egg and sperm donors.
Not Heidi
(1,479 posts)dickthegrouch
(3,820 posts)Resource links are pinned to the top of this forum
Not Heidi
(1,479 posts)Thank you. I should've thought of that.
(3 posts)I am a long-time DU lurker. Though I haven't posted until now, DU helps keep me sane, and I'm truly grateful to all of you thoughtful people for that!
What prompts me to post now is that I want to recommend a book that was written by a trans individual who wants to help other trans-gendered people know that they are not alone. Perhaps more importantly, she also hopes to help others to understand the difficulties and challenges of being trans.....and hopefully become more accepting. She's also a friend of mine and a wonderful person.
IMHO, Bobbie Scopa gives a brave and honest personal account of knowing from a very early age that she was born in a body that was not her true gender. The book also documents amazing stories from her firefighting career.
The link:
(36,433 posts)SupportOurTruths
(3 posts)Maybe I'll start posting more!