Related: About this forumThe Arab-Israeli conflict in 10 points
Last edited Sun Aug 21, 2016, 11:34 PM - Edit history (1)
Source: The Irish Times, by Ben Ehrenreich, Aug 16, 2016
The conflict in Israel and the occupied territories has been going on for almost a century. Here, Ben Ehrenreich picks out 10 key events and themes
1 Not an ancient conflict
In the late 19th century, Palestines Jewish population stood at less than 5 per cent. Tensions between the regions Jews and Arabs did not begin to rise until after 1917, when British foreign secretary Arthur Balfour declared that the British authorities view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object. After the first World War and the breakup of the Ottoman empire, the League of Nations granted Britain a mandate to rule over Palestine. The first serious outbreak of violence there came in 1929. A parliamentary inquiry later determined that there had been no recorded attacks of Jews by Arabs in the previous eight decades and that the aggravating factor had been British support for the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
2 Colonial roots, colonial realities
Many of the laws and practices that would later become essential to Israels governance of its Palestinian population were inherited from the colonial regime. The British Defence Regulations, codified in 1945 and incorporated into Israeli law three years later by the first legislative act of the new Jewish state, allowed for the prosecution of civilians by military courts, indefinite administrative detention without trial, home demolitions, official censorship, the criminalisation of unlawful associations, the establishment of closed military zones, the imposition of curfews and restrictions on travel, and the arbitrary confiscation of land and property. All of these measures would be used against Palestinians in Israel and, after 1967, in Gaza and the West Bank as well.
3 Refugees, infiltrators, émigrés
By 1949, when Zionist forces defeated Palestinian militias and the armies of several neighbouring Arab states, more than 700,000 Palestinians had fled or been expelled from their homes. Some ended up in refugee camps in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, which fell under Egyptian and Jordanian control. Others began lengthy exiles outside historic Palestine. In 1949 the Israeli military adopted a free fire policy, allowing soldiers to shoot returning refugees on sight. By 1956, 2,700-5,000 such infiltrators had been killed. There are now more than seven million Palestinian refugees around the world. By contrast, any individual with one Jewish grandparent, regardless of their place of birth, is entitled to emigrate to Israel and become a citizen of the Jewish state.
4 An illegal occupation
After six days of fighting in June 1967, Israel occupied East Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza, the Golan Heights, and the Sinai peninsula. Five months later, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 242, calling for the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the territories it had occupied. Israel had at that point already established its first civilian settlement in the West Bank, though international law forbids occupying powers from transferring parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies. In the years since, Israeli governments of both the left and right have consistently encouraged the settlement enterprise with financial, infrastructural and military support. About 500,000 Israeli citizens now live in more than 130 settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and in more than 100 outposts not yet formally approved by the state. Forty-two per cent of the land in the West Bank currently falls under settlers control.
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Edit: Correct link.
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)Source: The Irish Times, by ZEEV BOKER, Aug 18, 2016
Sir, As someone who worked closely with the late Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin during the early days of the Oslo peace process, I can scarcely recognise the argument put forth by Ben Ehrenreich The Arab-Israeli conflict in 10 points (August 16th).
Ben Ehrenreich blithely ignores the deep historic connection of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel going back 3,000 years.
While noting the 700,000 Muslim Arabs who fled the fighting in 1948, he says nothing about the expulsion of nearly a million Jews at the same time from Arab countries and that whereas Israel absorbed Jewish refugees and gave them equal rights, Arab countries kept Palestinian refugees in camps to be used as political fodder against Israel.
In reference to the 1967 Six-Day War, Ben Ehrenreich does not clarify that UN Security Council resolution 242 which called for the withdrawal of territories acquired by Israel also required the Arab states to recognise Israels right to exist. They refused, that is until the signing of the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt in 1979.
It is wrong to say the security barrier built along the West Bank border was designed to seize Palestinian land. The barrier was a response to the murder of 1,100 Israeli civilians by terrorists who easily crossed from the West Bank into Israel during the Second Intifada. The purpose of the barrier is entirely to protect the lives of Israeli civilians, and the Supreme Court, which adjudicates in territorial disputes regarding the barrier, sometimes in fact decides against the Israeli government.
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Note: Ze'ev Boker is Israel's ambassador to Ireland.
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)Source: The Irish Times, by Senator PAUL GAVAN and FRA McCANN MLA, 22/08/2016
Sir, As part of a quite remarkable letter from Israeli ambassador to Ireland ZeEv Boker, he declared Israel does not directly target civilians on the other side (August 18th).This statement will come as a major surprise to the 20 Palestinian families who have had their homes demolished by Israeli Defence Forces. Their only crime was to have had sons who were extra-judicially executed by these same forces.
Worse still, the Israeli government has refused to hand over the bodies of these young men so that they can be buried by these same families. This is a form of collective punishment against the families of the deceased. Clearly the ambassador has either forgotten these people, or else does not regard them as citizens.
His statement will also come as a revelation to the families of the 7,000 Palestinians currently languishing in Israeli jails, 750 of whom are being held under so-called administrative detention or internment without trial as it was called when implemented in the north of this country. These families are denied visiting rights to see their incarcerated sons and daughters on a routine basis, with many lucky if they see their loved ones even once a year.
His words will also ring hollow with the families of the 350 children currently under lock and key, some of whom can now be sentenced to 20 years in prison for the crime of throwing a stone at an occupying Israeli tank. Children who have suffered up to 22 consecutive days of solitary confinement without any recourse to visits, according to Defence for Children International.
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(58,724 posts)If you can "pick out" whatever 10 key events and themes that you want, you can pretty much present whatever version of reality that suits you.
Leave out what doesn't fit the narrative, include only what does.
The period between 1929 and 1945, for instance, is completely omitted.
Ben's wording is also textbook propaganda.
Example: "The first serious outbreak of violence there came in 1929"
Alternatively: "In 1929 dozens of Palestinian Jews were massacred by Palestinian Arabs in Hebron, leading to riots directed towards the Jewish population, resulting in several Jewish communities being evacuated."
Similarly: "After six days of fighting in June 1967.."
As opposed to: "After an attempted war of annihilation by four neighboring states designed to destroy Israel..."
Also not making his Top Ten:
Dozens of suicide bombings against Israeli civilians by Palestinian Arabs, including ones directed at teenagers at a dance club and senior citizens celebrating Passover at a hotel leading to the deaths of innocent Jews, both young and old.
I guess when you get to pick the ten points, you can leave out whatever you like.
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)you're excoriating.
But are there any especially flagrant inaccuracies in the OP that you think should be amended? Do you think Ze'ev Boker is doing well in his refutal of the OP? After all, it must be a thankless job being Israel's ambassadors to Ireland...
(58,724 posts)It is extremely easy to present a propaganda-style presentation like the one Ben does here from whatever one's preferred perspective might be.
More insightful are people who actually try to understand and analyze the subject without such obvious bias, but the partisans (on both sides) tend to dominate the discussions unfortunately.
(30,109 posts)I have documented the Tamimis support for terrorism as well as their seething Jew-hatred and their ambition to instigate a third intifada with the eventual goal to delete Israel in considerable detail, notably in an article published last November at The Tower, but also in several additional blog posts (see e.g. here and here). Given the rather high percentage of recent terror attacks perpetrated by Palestinian teenagers (including yesterdays murderous attack by a 17-year-old Palestinian), it is particularly important to understand that the Tamimis have long advocated and cheered the participation of children and teenagers in what they like to call resistance.
So here is Nariman Tamimi a prominent figure in Ehrenreichs new book sharing a Facebook post from a family member honoring the teenaged terrorist who just killed the 13-year-old sleeping Hallel Yaffa Ariel after breaking into her home. As far as the Tamimis are concerned, the murder of Hallel Yaffa helped to return to the homeland its awe/reverence. (Translation courtesy of Ibn Boutrous).
Ehrenreich is yet another Jew hating propagandist in a long line of terror sympathists and supporters.
Typical BDS scum bag.
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)shira
(30,109 posts)shira
(30,109 posts)shira
(30,109 posts)shira
(30,109 posts)Little Tich
(6,171 posts)I read the posts from Israellycool with the intention to refute them, but I realized that the posts were so inaccurate that a refutal would be longer than the posts themselves, so I've decided not to. I'll attack the messenger instead.
Israellycool is really inaccurate, and I believe it's intentionally so. It's very right-wing, and while it doesn't promote racism outright, it always distorts facts to make Arabs look bad. It's also stalking people that are considered anti-Israel which I think is really creepy. It has a feature called "Anti-Zionist-Not-Antisemite Of The Day" that outs average people, mostly students. Creepy...
While I don't think that making up and spreading lies is racist, the stalking part is definitely not OK. Only hate sites do that.
Israellycool is therefore a hate site.
(4,321 posts).....its run by an Australian immigrant with a few other recent immigrants from the UK and America .....very religious Right wing .
They have a few settlers that post there regularly......look out for Varda Epstein she is a real eye opener
A tip .....never read the comments ...they will destroy any faith in humanity you might have left .
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)But it's really sad to see so much hate in one place...
(30,109 posts)....but you don't provide even one example of this "intentional" distortion/inaccuracy. Just a hit-and-run. Typical.
Outing antisemites and racists who incite violence with their lies & support for terror isn't creepy at all. It's a noble pursuit.
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)But apart from that, is there any of the points in the OP that you think is particularly incorrect? I see nothing wrong with them.
(30,109 posts)If you were on the receiving end of their hate, you might think so too.
See parts #1-4 above about Ehrenreich's lies. If you find anything wrong in those refutations, I'm sure you'll let me know.
(27,912 posts)What utter claptrap. If the author can't live in reality long enough to even introduce his first point... what point is there in reading the rest?