US Hits Russia Ahead of Peace Talks - Good Times Bad Times (The 20s Report)
The war is entering a decisive phase, a phase of resolution. While the Russians continue to dominate the frontline, the outgoing US administration inevitably with the tacet approval of the incoming one is inflicting further blows on the Russians to force them into submission before the upcoming talks.
Washington also expects Kiev to yield urging the Ukrainians to lower the age of conscription to 18. The subject of the mobilization and overall effectiveness of the Ukrainian Army is a much more complex topic than just the age of conscription. Still, Kiev is attempting to fit in with the Americans peace through escalation strategy by inflicting massive blows on the Russian industrial and military sector. The Americans are plugging holes in the sanctions on Russia's hydrocarbon sector while the Ukrainians are complimenting this strategy by closing Europe's largest gas artery effectively ending the era of Russian gas triumph on the old continent. As a result, Gazprom has been forced to sack 40% of its management.