Any other Los Angeles residents who love the Gold Line in LA?
If you ride it, have you noticed how many of the riders are bringing their bikes with them nowadays?
Union Station is an elegant old building (although it could use some cleaning up). It makes a great hub for public transportation in LA. And yes, my husband and I have ridden the Gold Line to Union Station and then taken a bus to the airport. Worked fine.
I use the Gold Line as often as I can. Saves gas. Saves parking. Saves nerves. Saves trouble.
And I hope that the rest of LA -- the parts that don't have decent transportation -- can get something as great as the Gold Line.
One of the best things about the Gold Line is that eating and drinking are not allowed. That keeps it clean.
I started riding on it every once in a while when it first started and was a very short line. The trains were not so full.
Now, the Gold Line connects a lot more stations, way up to Sierra Madre, and I notice it getting more and more crowded. Unbelievable for an oldtimer on the Line like me, but there have been times when I could not get a seat.
This is great news for public transportation in LA. It's about time. I can't wait until I can ride all the way to Santa Monica on Metro trains.

(106,886 posts)Was amazed at the amount of ridership. And this on a line that runs every 30 minutes, iirc.
(51,666 posts)of years ago. It's 2 hours each way, but by car would almost be as long, and I get to read and watch the scenery this way. Of course, the scenery is mostly ghetto, but it's still interesting.
(51,666 posts)for me to get around now. The 150 is supposed to be every 45 minutes but it's every 90 minutes more often than not. How USELESS is that?
(106,886 posts)we're losing some public transit availability. Funding just isn't there...even with the subsidies the local university provides.
(51,666 posts)as cutting service, many folks give up on transit altogether and stay home or use cars.
Service is so crappy now I am considering giving up and going 100% bicycle. On these streets. A frightening prospect.
(57,936 posts)I've ridden when it was standing room only -- more than once.
Parking fees are atrocious downtown. You can get there on the Gold Line for far less.
Seniors only pay a quarter at certain times. What can you buy for a quarter nowadays?