Vanguard vote switch helped pass Tesla CEO's $56 billion pay package. My opinion of Vanguard just tanked. a note seen by Reuters, Vanguard said it had voted against Musk's compensation package when it was first approved by shareholders in 2018 because of its potential size, which might not have been justified by performance.
But "given the strong alignment of executive pay with shareholder returns since 2018 and the benefits the board asserted related to the motivational value for the CEO in preserving the original deal," Vanguard-advised funds voted for the ratification at Tesla's annual meeting, according to the note.
2018 is so 2018! The Titanic sailed just great until it .... well, you know ...
It peaked at 402.83 in 2021 and has been downhill since then. That's about 3 years of decline, with a market turning towards hybrids, in general decline, and increasing competition, so much so that Chinese cars are embargoed.
Vanguard, famous for low overhead?
(47,800 posts)They've changed their website to add brokerage accounts, and made the info on their funds, to my eye, difficult to find. There are so many management companies running their funds, including Vanguard companies. I am not finding much discernment between their funds. Large caps and mid cap blends, and target funds, and index galore. You want an average return, go for indexing. You'll grow with the economy.
Some other companies still have real fund managers, people you can see and identify, and know their background. They tell you their strategy for the fund. They've been their for decades.
As to whether you're any better off with or without Quants, Algo management, or if those run the whole market now, it's still a debate.
(25,494 posts)In cable news owners