Outlook question, I need help
Do I need Windows 11 to download the new Outlook format?
I am not computer literate and usually have help with questions. The person I used is no longer working with individuals, he has gone "corporate. I lave left messages and there is no reply. There is no other repair shop and I can't carry this old Dell to the car and drive.
There are no real directions on the outlook notification. Just "download". What am I going to face. I got the notice on the day after Thanksgiving and have not done anything with this change. Not sure what happens after the download. I don't need all the fancy options, just the basic old "Hotmail".
Can you tell me what I face
Windows 10 OK?
What happens after I hit Download"?
Forgive this old timer but I'm stuck with no knowledge and no ability or $$ to take this computer to a shop,
Thanks for any help you can give. I Googled but cannot find any answers.

(37,137 posts)If the new outlook for windows is anything like the new outlook for Mac, you DONT want it. After MS pushed for weeks, I updated and tried its it was AWFUL. Was missing several features that worked well in the legacy version, so I reverted back after 3 weeks. That caused me to lose 3 weeks of sent messages. What a fiasco.
Paper Roses
(7,535 posts)Options are only Outlook or MS 365.
Obviously I would want Outlook but what comes after the 'Download" option if I click on that?
Boy, the better the computers get, the more complicated it is for an old timer like me to figure things out.
(25,497 posts)I lost 500 e-mails I wanted to keep, plus some new stuff I hadn't gotten through. Outlook 2021 is unmitigated dysenteric donkey dung.
(39,210 posts)CrispyQ
(39,210 posts)Paper Roses
(7,535 posts)I am a simple user, all important email goes to a Comcast account. The Hotmail(outlook) is just for "stuff".
I checked all the options and there is nothing mentioned about system...or anything else.
Here it is, do it. It gives only the option of downloading MS365 or Outlook.
Then: Download..obviously I want Outlook but don't know what I face after that..
If I hit the Outlook option, if it is complicated, I am in trouble.
Anyone else use outlook on Windows 10?
I can wait until next October to upgrade to Win 11. This old computer gets very little use. 2 email accounts, I use the internet and have about a dozen Documents. Plenty of room for something else, I just don't know what to do.
(39,210 posts)Comcast should have a webmail portal that you can access via internet. A lot of them are clunky but if you're in a pinch to get or send email you could look into that. Best place to find out about that would be via your online Comcast account.
(49,476 posts)I am not aware of any reason to be concerned about downloading it. Just dont use it, it will not change anything as long as you dont open it to configure an email account.
I have 40 years of experience with pc / microsoft / windows / networking /programming. I use the outlook 365 app on win 10.
(496 posts)to understand from your description what you are seeing.
If you're current Hotmail is through an Outlook app on the computer and its still working just ignore the message you are seeing. Close it and continue on.
Personally I abhor Outlook and wouldn't use it but change is hard for some folks who aren't more proficient in computers.
I use Thunderbird.