Election Reform
Related: About this forumGOP will "win" unless Dems wake up (Harvey Wasserman posts dying on the vine lately-this is CRUCIAL)
This is going *nowhere* in General Discussion. Is it because Obama was allowed to win and DUers have been lulled into a false sense of security? One of the few comments said, "things WILL turn around...We just need to keep on pushing" and I replied, "What are people doing about the riggable machines? Praying?"
The reality is that through the Electoral College, which narrows the number of votes the GOP needs to steal; the suppression of voter turnout, i.e. the new electronic Jim Crow; the theft of the vote count with e-voting machines; and control of the governorships in most of the key swing states, the Republicans have something close to a lock on this election.
Add in Citizens United and the unlimited cash they can spend and you have an almost unbeatable fortress. It could be defeated, as it was in 2008, by an inspired and devoted grassroots army of election protection activists. But Obama's corporate presidency has cut the heart out of the movement that put him in office. So no matter how badly Romney/Ryan might appear to screw up, in the end it appears highly likely they will take the White House, one way or another. We don't, after all, think Rove, Adelson and the Koch Boys will let mere legalities stand in the way of their trillion-dollar agenda, do we?
Since then, the Democratic Party has done absolutely nothing to reform the process. There are far more flippable electronic voting machines in use now than there were back in 2000 and 2004. A governor or secretary of state can flip a vote count in a matter of minutes. But it's the Democrats who stand to lose big time this year. The GOP controls the governorships of nine key swing states. But if the Dems are unwilling to say anything about it, why would the corporate media pursue the story?
(45,319 posts)Why don't you fight in your State to change the process? It is a State by State thing. And money is not an fortress unbeatable, that's just so funny. Ask Meg Whitman, she'll laugh and laugh...
(1,112 posts)And you think one (allowed?) victory means big money isn't much of a threat? Wow, even in this forum...
(4,275 posts)Voter verified, auditable paper ballots. No more having the exit polls indicate a D win but then finding out the R's won, via those black box electronic voting machines, which is what happened to us with Kerry.
(26,795 posts)Right?
You have to look at the entire system.
(32,324 posts)California has fooled people into thinking they don't have electronic voting machinery. They do. The opti-scan machinery lets you think you are voting with paper and pencil. But the votes are added up at the precinct on electronic cards, and those cards can be adjusted by digital methods. Or simply switched out while making the transfer from the precinct to the County Registrar of Voters Office.
Oregon has a wonderful system. And if that's where you live - right on. Every democracy loving citizen in the nation should work to see thatthis is how we vote.
I don't know how the state of Washington votes. I do remember Andy Stephenson went up there to sort out one election back in the fall of 2004. So I assume you don't live there. Or else the state has changed its voting methods.
(26,795 posts)No matter the ballots are mailed. They're still run through an optical scanner for tabulating.
Same issues, plus a little chain of custody concern and voter-coercion potential.
Hand Counting is done in a few areas in New Hampshire though.
(32,324 posts)I truly thought Oregon had hand counting, like they have in Canada.
(15,481 posts)created by private corporations. Which is your state?
(4,026 posts)If the election were honest, I think Obama would win. But after 2000 and Dubya, why would anyone expect the election to be honest? ReThugs have no scruples. They will do whatever it takes, no matter what - legal or not, to regain executive power.
(15,481 posts)congressional races as they did in 2008 and 2010. When Obama won, nobody bothered to look at the other impossible election results.
13 Democratic Congressmen filed formal election complaints. The then Dem Congress decided not to investigate. It is Congress' decision whether or not to investigate allegations of fraud in Congressional races.
(53,475 posts)... the results should be interesting. Stay tuned.
(32,324 posts)Forced to pay for it? Here in California, that would be the case.
For instance, back in 2004 or 05, a candidate and his group in Marin County wanted a recount. And it would have cost the group
$ 102,000 to do it - in a county where there are only 60,000 ballots to count. The group decided not to.
BTW, this was for a positon that didn't even pay a salary - it had to do with oversight of one of the "community Hospitals."
(53,475 posts)truedelphi
(32,324 posts)but the County insisted on oversight.
Michael J Smith was a very intelligent trickster. He's finally been replaced in Marin, by the woman who did such a bad job in Alameda County. At one time she was considered the worst Registrar of Voters in the state.
Response to HomerRamone (Original post)
ailsagirl This message was self-deleted by its author.
(2 posts)GOP'S GO TO HELL !!!!
Thanks To The GOP'S CONTROL The United States Are Going To Be underwater . GOP'S are unwilling to do anything that will HELP the American PEOPLE . All The GOP'S Think About Is How to get There Bigger Pockets And SCREW The AMERICAN PEOPLE Even More .What Happen of THINKING Of The AMERICAN PEOPLE .. Need To Cut the WHITE HOUSES Money DOWN GOP'S And All . Need to live on a REAL INCOME .. The AMERICAN PEOPLE NEED TO TAKE The GOVERNMENT .... Get rid of all the BULLSHIT .
(Romney/Ryan ) We don't need you in office .your already looking like a BIG ASS !!!! Trying to start WARS already ...
Come On LOOK What Happen 11 Years Ago ... And They Still Get Handed everything when they come to the USA ...