2026 US Senate Election matchup between a incumbent Republican and a Democrat that is a outgoing Gov
KS(Marshall-R vs Kelly-D)
ME(Collins-R vs Mills-D)
LA(Cassidy-R vs Bel Edwards-D)
NC(Tillis-R vs Cooper-D)
KY(McConnell-R vs Beasher-D)
I like to see KS Governor Laura Kelly running for the US Senate because I like to see a competitive US Senate Election.
The last time KS had a competitive US Senate Election was in 1996 when Brownback-R defeated Docking-D by a 10.6 percent margin.
Cooper running in NC will be an easy pickup for Democrats.
Cooper won his statewide elections in NC by a
4.8 percent margin in the 2000 NC Attorney General Election.
11.2 percent margin in the 2004 NC Attorney General Election.
22.2 percent margin in the 2008 NC Attorney General Election.
unopposed in the 2012 NC Attornery General Election.
elected by a .2 percent margin in the 2016 NC Governors Election against a Republican incumbent.
re-elected by a 4.5 percent margin in the 2020 NC Governors Election.
NC US Senators Thom Tillis won his US Senate Elections by a
1.5 percent margin in 2014
1.8 percent margin in 2020