West Virginia
Related: About this forumManchin slams Sanders after OpEd in W.Va. newspaper urging him to support major spending package
Manchin slams Sanders after opinion piece in W.Va. newspaper urging him to support major spending package
By Andrew Jeong
Today at 3:59 a.m. EDT
The public dispute between Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) over the size and scope of a multi-trillion dollar spending package escalated on Friday, after Sanders published an opinion article in Manchins homestate newspaper urging him to support the landmark Democratic proposal.
Sanders, writing in the Charleston Gazette-Mail, attacked opponents of the legislation every Republican in Congress as well as the drug companies, the insurance companies, the fossil fuel industry and the billionaire class as defenders of a status quo in which the very rich get richer while ordinary Americans continue to struggle to make ends meet.
The article triggered a sharp response from Manchin. This isnt the first time an out-of-stater has tried to tell West Virginians what is best for them despite having no relationship to our state, he said a tweet.
Link to tweet
He added that he would not vote for what he termed a reckless expansion of government programs. In the evenly-divided Senate, every Democrats vote is needed to pass the $3.5 trillion tax-and-spending package.
Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary, said on the Pod Save America podcast that the disagreements reflected democracy working.
When it comes down to it no bill is perfect, she said. Its not going to be everything that Joe Biden wants, its not going to be everything Joe Manchin wants.
Its ultimately a compromise.
By Andrew Jeong
Andrew Jeong is a reporter for The Washington Post in its Seoul hub. Twitter https://twitter.com/hj257

(38,620 posts)Lunabell
(7,309 posts)And he's not even a Democrat. Interesting.
(2,868 posts)Manchin's constituents WILDLY, OVERWHELMINGLY, SUPPORT the programs in the reconciliation proposal. Sanders isn't telling West Virginians "what is best for them", rather that Manchin isn't representing their agenda.
WHY is Manchin opposing those he claims to represent?
WHO is Manchin truly representing?
(6,446 posts)I just finished the Evan Osnos book, Wildland, the Making of Americas Fury. He points out how easy it has been to buy influence and misinform WV, due to its relatively small size. Dark money buys a lot more in a small, less populated state. At one point in the book he cites an overestimate by a resident he interviewed of the percentage of WV works in coal ( 15% estimated versus 3% actual).
Fiendish Thingy
(19,023 posts)Id be interested in the reactions from West Virginians to both statements.
(65,562 posts)Phoenix61
(18,138 posts)West Virginia ranked fifth in relying on federal funds, according to the study, while individual West Virginians were among the most federally needy people in the country, ranking second in reliance on federal tax dollars.
Response to mahatmakanejeeves (Original post)
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(6,991 posts)And they moved out here to California to get away from WV. And they told me way back then that he's rotten, no good, crooked and worse than a bag full of rattle snakes. They've been proven correct on ALL counts. Also, that their relatives still living there told my friends that many think that Kamala's a Muslim Commie like Obummer Think that Dems are the party of liars, molesters, sex traffickers & rapists
and some actually told my friend's relative(s) that Joe's fighting for us little people that Demonrats hate, who don't want us to have our jobs in the coal mines
My friend's relative said he told that guy, but coal is drying up and different forms of energy are being used like solar, wind--that countries, even ours, are investing in green jobs, and oh by the way, Joe's very rich and living on an expensive yacht, what about that? He said that the guy shot back "That's a damn lie that liberals tell us about coal, but we live here and know more than they know, and that Joe's got to have somewhere to live so he can stay safe because they want to hurt him." The guy didn't even KNOW what a green job was when asked specifically about it. How in HELL to you even get through to someone who thinks like that? Even showing those folks who think like that REAL solid proof/evidence won't help, they're so far GONE and who won't bother educating themselves in most cases. Oh and by the way, those folks who think like that my friend said are not old relatively speaking. No Ma'am, they're anywhere from their 40's to their 70's he was told by his relatives still living there
What a sampling of folks
And young folks are leaving WV in droves, so on top of all that you have an older work, which represents a whole other set of problems and economic worry.
I know that not ALL people in West Virginia think that way, or are out there on planet what the fuck did he/she just say, but my friends from there tell me that relatives who still live there say that most of the people that THEY know/work with or live around are just that uneducated and mule-headed. They've been indoctrinated with "GOP good, Dems bad" rhetoric for YEARS that Dems never pushed back on tbh, and my friend told me that the ones who may not exactly think that way are SO zonked out on drugs/opiates et al that they don't really think much about anything anymore, as they try to score their next fix. Hell, you know folks like that don't care about voting or about anything but their next fix of what in hell they can get their hands on to stay high or self-medicate because they're usually 'escaping' from something.
(7 posts)As a West Virginian,
Ill say this:
Joe Manchin is a Democrat
Bernie Sanders is NOT a Democrat
As far as Im concerned thats all that matters
The Democratic Party is a diverse big tent that has never been monolithic and that what makes it so interesting
Democrats are not Democratic Socialists
We are Democrats
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