New York
Related: About this forumCuomo: Probe any NY schools that blocked student walkout
ALBANY Gov. Andrew Cuomo asked state education officials Thursday to investigate reports that some New York schools prevented students from taking part in Wednesday's nationwide student walkout to protest gun violence.
In a letter the Democrat sent to Education Department Commissioner MaryEllen Elia, Cuomo called on her to look into any reports of schools blocking exits so students couldn't leave.
Cuomo called such actions "an egregious safety violation" and unlawful. His letter mentioned reports of schools in New York state disciplining students and faculty for participating in the event, and Cuomo asked Elia to use her authority "to stop these schools, reverse course and cease any disciplinary actions."
"Threatening to discipline students for participating in the peaceful demonstrations is not only inappropriate, it is unconstitutional," Cuomo said in his letter.
(694 posts)I let him know that if his classmates were walking out, he could do the same, with my permission. They did, he did, and he was so excited about having participated!
He is a special needs kid. He said he was lost in the crowd cause he's so short, but he didn't care. ❤
(226,595 posts)And kudos to your son! That's so wonderful to hear. Sounds like he's a great kid who's learned what's important.
I found this when doing research for another thread. Before the walkout, I read in the local paper that most schools around here were participating with the support of the school. My local school even planned activities so that the middle and elementary kids could take part in some way, too. But I read about one school, somewhat north of here, that had threatened the students with suspension if they walked out. I was looking for follow up when I found this story about the governor. I don't know if any of the northern area students walked out, but I was very proud of Governor Cuomo for stepping up in support of the kids!
BTW, the school pictured in the article is my local one, went there for three years.
(694 posts)Tom McCall Park. Portland, Oregon. 10 am.
We're riding the MAX.
March for Our Lives!
(226,595 posts)Your son isn't just learning some important lessons in civics, but he must be having a lot of fun, too!
(161,042 posts)good for AMERICA!
(694 posts)Thanks, so much!
(24,259 posts)as well as healthcare and gun regulation I'm finding that I like him more and more.
Adults who treat 'kids' like they don't know or understand things or don't have rights have ticked me off since I was one.
My grandchildren ended up with a snow day but both of my daughters said that they would have supported them all if they chose to walk out... just as I supported their rights when young and butting heads about having to say the pledge.
(226,595 posts)It seems like I read a story in the paper every day about some positive thing that he's doing or taking a stand on. I know that he's running for reelection, but I don't think he has a lot to worry about - though the last time he didn't do well upstate, guess he's trying to remedy that.
I ran across this article when I was researching what happened to the kids who took part in the walkout - if any - when their schools threatened punishment. The local schools around here all supported the kids - the photo is from the local school around here where I went for three years - but I'd read that one high school just to the north threatened the kids with suspension. So I was very pleased - and a little surprised - that the governor had weighed in on this!
How is the weather been where you are, anyway? It's been just awful here, it seems like there's a new storm that buries us more than once a week just now.
(24,259 posts)Think Cuomo is Liberal demon spawn so I'm not sure he'll win over that many more votes up here. Heck, they're still whining about NY making it more difficult to buy guns but if you go down the list of what was included in the law most are okay with the changes. We just suggest maybe they should go to NYS site and read the actual law.
My husband actually has an advantage in this area. He's an old grey beard type who grew up owning and knowing a lot about guns for hunting. He was ranked as a Marksman when younger and was at one point a card carrying member of the NRA until they sold their soul decades ago.
I'm very glad Cuomo weighed in on this as he did too. My eldest daughter would not have tolerated a school locking them in or suspending any of her daughters for using her 1st Amendment right. She's much like me that way and she knows I'd back her up on going after the school if they had done so. She's knows it's unlikely in NY but she's already told me that if they arm teachers and/or staff, she'll pull her girls and home school.
The weather has been weird. We don't normally get as much snow as downstate but enough. ATM it's single digits again but the Canadian Geese are returning and I saw a robin in the front yard so I know Spring will be here soon.
(226,595 posts)But he still won overall because downstate - with a much larger population - carried the day. However, it's always like this. New York may be a "blue state," but that's based on the more populous downstate. Most areas around here - the more rural areas - tend to be Republican. It's been like this around here for as long as I've been voting. Most local elections are decided in the Republican primary.
Back in the day I tried to pick and choose, since my choices were limited. I'd vote for whoever was running for coroner, for example, but I learned my lesson when one of them was brought up on charges. Now I just vote a straight ticket. That doesn't leave a lot of choices - and I know I could get in trouble for saying this - but I did vote for a couple of Green candidates in the last election. The thing is, it was either vote for them - though I knew they stood no chance - or the Republican who would otherwise be running unopposed. I don't know if it sent a message, but I wanted to encourage anyone else stepping up - the voting public deserves a choice.
But the amazing thing - and we're seeing this in the most unlikely areas of the country - is that Democrats are beginning to win in areas that they have never stood a chance before! Not only did the nearby city elect a Democratic mayor, but the town (where I vote) now has a solid Democratic majority among the town supervisors! Previously, it would be something like "vote for four out of five" and the lone Democrat would be the one who was shut out.
However, this time around, I think only one Republican managed to hold on and win and he's clearly outnumbered. I'm not sure if it was the well-publicized Republican shenanigans that came out before the election, but I like to think that we're on the front end of the "blue wave" that we're seeing across the country - and that I'm hoping keeps on going into the midterms. I can really see this happening!
As for the weather, it may be Spring somewhere, and the mammoth snowbanks have started melting a little, but we've been hit with a major storm here at least once a week - and tomorrow is no exception. However, it's supposed to mainly hit Albany south this time around so we may be spared this one. But I'm not counting on it being over yet - we have had snow in April here and the way it's been so far this year, I'm not putting away my down coat and snow brushes and shovels.
(24,259 posts)If it's a choice only between a Republican and a Green... Green has two things going for them, they can be pretty progressive and, more importantly, they're NOT a Republican.
I'm agree with you on the 'blue wave' coming. There's a feeling out and about and on social media that people have had enough of Trump and the BS Rs are pushing. Let's hope the wave crashes the R party into something so small and insignificant that 'IT' can fit into a 'bathtub' 🛁.
As for weather... I'm soooo over Winter but I was the day after Christmas. I would have been sooner but I have a soft spot for a 'white Christmas' thanks to Bing Crosby. Lol
I don't put my Winter costs of woolies away until mid May because sure as heck if I do Mother Nature will pull a polar express down from our northern neighbors.