Violent words in St. Paul: When does free speech become terroristic threat?
Alley Waterbury cheered on the violent insurrection in Washington as she warned Gov. Tim Walz that there would be consequences if he did not meet with her and other protesters at the Minnesota Capitol. Within hours, she was outside the governor's residence shouting through a bullhorn.
"Do not underestimate us, because we will cross the line!" the Woodbury activist yelled across the front gate.
State officials probing this month's Storm the Capitol rally in St. Paul are confronting a legal challenge that has divided scholars and jurists alike for decades: What is protected speech, and what words should be treated as criminal threats?
The state Bureau of Criminal Apprehension is investigating whether speakers and organizers at the Jan. 6 rally outside the Minnesota State Capitol and Walz's residence committed acts of terroristic threats or other crimes. They are moving with a sense of urgency as state and federal officials are bracing for possible violent protests in Minnesota and other states in the days leading up to Wednesday's presidential inauguration.
A way to raise my blood pressure. With the first line I thought: who the f**k are you to make demands on our governor?