The map of Dearborn below reminds me of the way The Great Hack documentary exposed how Cambridge Analytica was used to microtarget specific people in specific areas.
Cambridge Analytica would be considered a rather primitive and crude tool today. No doubt that it has become much more pervasive and sophisticated.
Although as they pointed out in The Great Hack you really only need to target 70,000 people across 3 States thanks to the Electoral College..

It's exactly 8 years since I published this on Nov 6, 2016. My first step down the rabbit hole that became Facebook/Cambridge Analytica. And if you still think that's a 'conspiracy', I have a social media platform to sell you.
How could ah ever forget Cambridge Analytica 🫢 the two words that described a (proven by you as real) conspiracy to subvert potential voters via Facebook targeting in Brexit and USA Trump 2016 elections, same company.. across big ocean. Who benefits both times? Putins Russia.
We were warned over 5 years ago...
ICE set up a fake university in metro Detroit