Metro GM Cleared to Take Next Step for Rail Heavy Repair and Overhaul Facility
WASHINGTON, D.C. Metros Board of Directors voted unanimously on May 23 to give the general manager and his designee authority to buy property in Landover for a future maintenance facility.
Metro staff wrote in a memorandum for the meeting that construction of the facility, called the Rail Heavy Repair and Overhaul Facility, would speed up long-term maintenance on railcars. Expediting the maintenance would lead to a reduced number of service delays that are related to problems with the trains.
A recent rail yard study determined that daily maintenance and overhaul maintenance together were too much to fill the Greenbelt and Brentwood railyards. Moving the cars requiring overhaul maintenance to the proposed new facility would free up space for railcars requiring daily maintenance.
Storage in the Greenbelt and Brentwood facilities was designed for six cars. The release of newer four-car trains has made the space to hold two additional cars generally wasted. The new storage facility, which is part of the project, would be built to store the more modern railcars in two groups of four.
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(Prince George's Sentinel)