Related: About this forumBig day...Oh geese..cheetox indorsed kohack
https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=D8BpW9HQJcOp_QbJxZPwDQ&q=trump+indorses+koback&oq=trump+indorses+koback&gs_l=psy-ab.3...318.16616.0.16698. suprises..kohack was going to head up an illegal voting combat team for dementia boy...never happened, but
the little turd got to shake the traitors hand..
Lets hope kansas doesn't get saddled with another moron like brownback
or worse...
(155 posts)So he can get beaten in November
(4,400 posts)Which would be easier for the democrats to beat..the incumbent or kohack?
(30,352 posts)maybe.
Kansas suffers from generational brain drain
I should know... I was born in Wichita, grew up in the suburbs of Johnson County KS... went to the Univ of Kansas, got married in Kansas, and got my first job in KC and lived in Lenexa, Altogether, 25 years there. Not only that, but all of my family on fathers side lived in Kansas.
I moved to find work (Computer Science)... and other to visit my family, I've never been back.
Kansas used to be (when I lived there) a moderate to lean Republican state. But very "live and let live". There were a few bible thumpers and the john birch society, but those folks were a distinct minority and everybody laughed at them.
Now... the only thing that explains what has happened in the last 30 years since I left... is that the smarter college educated people left.
(5,797 posts)I was a faculty member at KU Med for 30 years and lived in Leawood. My children all graduated from Blue Valley North, but none of them live there now, and I don't either. I spend time in Denver, where a lot of KC folks have moved. It's booming.
(30,352 posts)spent maybe 7 years there.
now in California
(4,400 posts)I think a lot of the nations conservatives used to be moderate...like you said. Don't know where the
turning point was to go from reasonable to rabid..Blame the gop scare agenda, the supreme court and
resultant 'super pacs'...
(23,840 posts)They are that stupid in Kansas. Even after the disaster of brownback. The propaganda by repukes are too strong there. Koblah is the Kochs man.
Haggis for Breakfast
(6,831 posts)Brownback was bad enough. Kobach will be even worse.