Indiana launches veteran helpline
Indiana veterans are eligible for a wealth of health benefits thanks to their service to the country.
They can find primary care providers, access specialists such as cardiologists and mental health providers, and receive home health care, medical equipment and more. But oftentimes, navigating the veterans health system means those benefits go unrealized.
The Veterans Health Administration wants to change that.
In December, the administration launched its One Indiana Call Line, a new patient advocacy resource for Indiana veterans, veteran services organizations and congressional offices. The new call line provides veterans who are enrolled in one of four Veteran Integrated Services Networks, or VISNs, with a one-stop point of advocacy to help with their concerns, get them connected to resources and facilitate resolution.
When those veterans have questions or concerns, or simply are not sure who to call for help, they can reach out to 1-844-IND-VETS (1-844-463-8387) to reach a One Indiana Call Line advocate who can help.
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