Related: About this forumWe did good!
Governor, Senator, Treasurer, etc...etc. Sadly, I'm here in Woodford County, a redneck MAGAt stronghold, but damn glad that the State offices, including a majority of Senators will be holding the keys for at least another 2 years. We have a LOT to be thankful for...can you imagine if Redneck Bailey got the Gov Seat? The stuff of nightmares.
*** Since I'm an IDOT volunteer, I'll be spending the next week cleaning up signs so that you don't have to live with the electioneering until Christmas. If you see me, please MOVE OVER, thanks!

(25,061 posts)Bluethroughu
(7,003 posts)

Gidney N Cloyd
(19,847 posts)mucifer
(25,061 posts)state constitution. Right now it is at 58% so that could be gone.
But, The Trees won! We got the forest preserve bill passed an extra 40 million dollars per year to the forest for a small tax increase to those in Cook County (Chicago)
For those who don't know Chicago and surrounding suburbs have AMAZING forest preserves.
(6,944 posts)I was born and raised in Franklin County which used to hold the distinction of being the most Democratic downstate county. Sadly, it is now solid red. "God, guns, and gays" is the reason, sadly.