Related: About this forumOk - Just for fun...Who wants to get banned from Hawaii?
It's really not so bad, you just go to Kalaupapa and live with the lepers.

(36,174 posts)ellisonz
(27,773 posts)...for a Sentence of Life or Transition to DU3 Official Launch, whichever comes first, under the authority of the Democratic Underground Hawaii Place Forum Mo'i.
Enjoy the Rotten Coconuts, Sugarless Poi, and Strong Catholic Faith, Ms. Crumble.
Don't even try to be a Ko'olau the Leper! We don't need any heroes in the forum, Ms. Crumble.
Case Dismissed! Bailiff, bring the next defendant forward!
Response to ellisonz (Original post)
Tesha This message was self-deleted by its author.
Response to Tesha (Reply #3)
Tesha This message was self-deleted by its author.
(27,773 posts)...for a Sentence of Life or Transition to DU3 Official Launch, whichever comes first, under the authority of the Democratic Underground Hawaii Place Forum Mo'i.
Tesha shall be lent out by the local Ranch Office for Servitude when such requests are submitted. Niihauans shall be instructed to only speak Hawaiian in your presence.
Do not attempt Escape, the near 20 miles to Kauai are Treacherous, to further discourage such an endeavor Tesha shall be Chained when not Employed, and regularly doused in Sheep's Blood to attract the au'makua.
Case Dismissed! Bailiff, bring the next defendant forward!
(14,400 posts)If you need a volunteer to test your superpowers feel free. I kind of like Molokai, nice and laid back, so I'd be OK with spending some time there.
(27,773 posts)...for a Sentence of Life or Transition to DU3 Official Launch, whichever comes first, under the authority of the Democratic Underground Hawaii Place Forum Mo'i.
sharp_stick shall be Broken by Servitude in the Volcanic Crater as a Herder of Feral Cats removed from the University of Hawaii at Manoa campus, and shall be fed only the product of his labor and Sugarless Poi.
Do not attempt escape sharp_stick for if such an Act, or clear intent of such an Act is Discovered, sharp_stick shall be tossed into a Lava Tube for the remainder of his sentence.
Case Dismissed! Bailiff, bring the next defendant forward!
(27,773 posts)All Defendants will now be sliced and diced without trial and used as pig bait in Kalihi.
*bangs gavel*