Anti-Abortion Lawmakers Oppose Bill to Provide Diapers for Babies in Need
A bill to provide diapers to families in need is moving through Colorados Senate, but its not getting the support you might expect from Republican lawmakers who routinely push legislation that they say is aimed at protecting babies.
In fact, every vote on the legislation thus far has fallen squarely along party lines, with Democrats supporting and Republicans opposing.
The bill, which is sponsored by state Sen. Brittany Pettersen (D-Lakewood) and state Reps. Kerry Tipper (D-Lakewood) and Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez (D-Denver), aims to address the rising need for diapers during the pandemic.
Lawmakers were sparked to action by a Denver Post story that documented how desperate families were resorting to unsanitary measures due to financial stress that was exacerbated by the pandemic, including filling plastic grocery bags with toilet paper and taping them to their babies as makeshift diapers because they are not able to afford essentials.
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