Related: About this forumJust got my primary ballot: Undecided for Governor--Cary Kennedy or Jared Polis
Your thoughts, please.
I like them both. Would love to see a female Governor and I generally agree with Kennedy's positions.
Then again, I like and agree generally down the line with Jared Polis.
This is tough.... Your thoughts appreciated.
mountain grammy
(27,462 posts)Pat Schroeder's endorsement of Polis goes a long way with me. He's my Congressman and I like him, but I was determined to vote female this year and Cary Kennedy is a good candidate.
My husband's voting for Kennedy.
(107,410 posts)I apologize for being so pragmatic, but I surely don't want a Republican.
mountain grammy
(27,462 posts)Colorado can go either way and that scares me too. Honestly, I think Polis can win over Kennedy, and I'd think he'd be a fine governor. Their positions are pretty identical, so it does come down to personality. I've met Polis a few times at county Democratic meetings and town halls. He's very personable and likeable. I've seen him impress a few of our local rednecks, not that that would translate to votes.
Stapleton would be a nightmare. I hate how he brags about stopping single payer and supporting dipshit's tax cuts. He's a trumper through and through.
(6,539 posts)In 1998, the vote was nearly 50-50 and Bill Owens became guv. That was a disaster for higher ed.
Gail Schoettler was the Democratic candidate,_1998
Imagine how it would be today: the Republican party is basically insane, yet they vote! A republican is unacceptable. Putin may bet his dream--an completely divided America.
Democrats have
Mike Johnston
Cary Kennedy,
Donna Lynne, and
Jared Polis
All are fine people. I think the discredited TV ad for Cary Kennedy was run by another organization. We have until June 26 to decide.
(107,410 posts)WE have to put one of these great Dems in as Governor--HAVE TO!
Jake Stern
(3,146 posts)Just agree with him more.
(16,115 posts)Her tenure as state treasurer set a high standard that was emulated around the country. She'd likely be every bit as effective as governor. And I would have no problem with Polis as her lieutenant.
(14,996 posts)A genuinely nice person, very smart and very liberal. I highly recommend her. I've since moved out of state, so I can't vote for her, but I sent her a contribution.
El Supremo
(20,386 posts)then vote for Polis. He is the 10th richest congressman and will use his own wealth to outspend everyone.
But if you want someone who really deserves to be governor and has the overwhelming support of grassroots Democrats, then vote for Kennedy.
Jake Stern
(3,146 posts)Not only did she break her promise to run a clean campaign which Polis and Johnston have stuck to, she and her PAC have put out ads that fail fact checking.
Link to a CBS Denver segment where they fact checked her ad and it isn't pretty. Including a part in her ad where she denounced Johnston for a bill that the committee she co-chaired issued a report in support of.
(1,128 posts)I was really hoping for female nominee but she let me down. Polis got my vote.
(2,012 posts)which elected some very good federal reps, governors, state reps but none who worked harder for all their constituents or cared more about the Democratic liberal progressive policies I believe in than Jared Polis. I do not know if he can win statewide as we still have so many Trumpites in CO but I'm certain he will be a governor we can be proud of if elected.
(17,370 posts)HAvent lived there in decades and person addressed me by the wrong name. Website says hes a Dem. Doesnt appear to have support here. Whats the scoop on him?
(107,410 posts)This ad is getting some play though:
Heaven knows, the Rethug candidates are ALL so horrendous, that, while Johnston would seem a good candidate, I think pragmatism is going to come into play. Who can most readily defend against any of those R's...