Related: About this forumA Tiger Lily from a friend's garden.
Trying something new.
(152,593 posts)I clicked on the image itself, and got the bigger version. Also very cool.
Keep on keepin' on!
(24,340 posts)I wish it said "Click on image to enlarge" below the photo.
(35,360 posts)I like!
(53,410 posts)I like the way you sidle right up to the flower. It reminds me somewhat of the way Georgia OKeefe seemed to get right into the essence of everything she painted. It like she wanted to paint its soul.
The Tiger Lilly dominates the painting with your use of painting the lines so they flow off the canvas and then come back into the canvas. It directs the viewers eyes and keeps them circling back.
Your rendering of the flower in such brilliant and intense color is another way you trap the eyes since the colors invite the viewer to wallow in them, just for their own sake almost.
You did a great job. The painting is strong, demanding of attention and very satisfying to look at. I like this Tiger Lilly the best of all. Its complete in itself.
(24,340 posts)As usual, I love reading your observations! Hearing your kind words keeps me painting and exploring. Seriously! The best forum cheerleader ever!
I believe in saying positive and supportive things only. Otherwise it can be wasted energy for both the critic and the artist. You always do a great job on your paintings and you have developed your technique and painterly chops very well. I may have helped along the way and I thank you for your encouraging words!