2 van Gogh Paintings Stolen From Amsterdam Are Recovered in Italy.
AMSTERDAM Two van Gogh paintings that were stolen from the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam in 2002 have been recovered in Italy, the chief anti-mafia prosecutor in Naples announced on Friday.
They were retrieved during a huge and continuing investigation into organized crime by a specialized team in the Italian public prosecutions department, the museum said.
The paintings have been found! Axel Rüger, director of the Van Gogh Museum, said in a statement released on Friday. That I would be able to ever pronounce these words is something I had no longer dared to hope for.
The paintings, Seascape at Scheveningen (1882) and Congregation Leaving the Reformed Church in Nuenen (1884/85), early works van Gogh painted in Holland, were stolen from the Amsterdam museum very early one December morning. The burglars climbed to the roof using a ladder, broke through a window, stole the two works and then escaped out the side of the building using a rope.'>>>