Propaganda Debunking
Related: About this forumTea Party anti-OWS propaganda debunking thread.
Hey folks, thought this might be a useful thread to make as I've seen quite a bit of this B.S. lately.
There's one particular pair I came across just yesterday; one of them a sadly misinformed young woman who really adores the Teabaggers(an understatement btw), and an idiot troll who might just be one of their shills.
Here are some of their dumber comments:
"OWSers consist of actual racists, who are more worried about zionists and people becoming successful, than they are about out-of-control government spending, corporatism, and a federal leviathan restricting individual liberty. I'm sure there's SOME decent people, but it's a cabal of society's lowest common denominator. The only reason anyone thinks the Tea Party is at all racist is because they dare question the Federal Leviathan's power."
"You libs use the term "racist" to discredit anyone who agrees with you. This includes the Tea Party. We're "racist" because we dare to doubt the legitimacy of a federal leviathan that doesn't recognize the limits of its power. We're "xenophobes" because we actually love our country and respect its rule of law, and we're "extreme" because extreme is a meaningless, subjective term you can throw around haphazardly."
"Don't be fooled. The Tea Party consists of thousands upon thousands of members per group, with thousands more groups around the country, amounting to millions upon millions of self-identified members. While I concede OST has millions of sympathizers, actual members amount to tens of thousands across the whole nation. Every single one of them a malcontent and a troublemaker that contributes to the rampant rape, theft, assault, public defecation, vandalism, etc of these movements."
"no it's pretty rampant. There's pictures of OWSers taking a dump on police cars. And by "taking a dump" I mean "His pants are down, and there's a big brown smear on the car." Not to mention people have been turning up dead in these camps." "Millions of tea partiers over 2 years haven't done 1/20th what thousands of OWSers do in 1 day."
EmpperorIng 7 hours ago
"I didn't notice any variation in your diction at all, and I also happen to think that your estimate is grossly inaccurate. Most of the Tea Party is made up of moderate and king elderly people who couldn't hurt a fly. And they, the massive majority, strictly denounce any and all violence and hate which manages to sneak it's way into their protests. The Occupiers do no such thing, and in fact, encourage it."
"I've been to Tea Party rallies before. They're full of quiet elderly people, country music, and conservative guest speakers. Not to mention all the American flags. I haven't seen ANY of the utter bull that people say goes down at Tea Parties. I have on the other hand seen OWS group screaming in pedestrians faces and breaking shop windows. And the mounds of garbage and filth."
"At least Tea Partiers clean up after themselves. Oh, and they LEAVE after awhile. PEACEABLY.
LeBaoBeatha 2 days ago
(That last quote from this paragraph seriously needs to be debunked.)
"They're shitting on cop cars. And on sidewalks. They also shout profanities at anyone who walks past them wearing a suit. Not to mention the mounds of garbage they've been piling up. Have you smelled that rank? It's disgusting. Half the people there don't even know why they are, they either just want someone to be angry at, or they just want to camp out in the streets like it's the apocalypse."
"From police reports, witnesses, court rulings and pictures in the local papers and all over the web, it's been decided that 1500+ incidence involving violence and/or defiance of common-laws have occurred at Occupy movements in the U.S. Whereas with the tea party only 30 have occurred over 3 years. The Tea Party not only gets permits(unlike the ows movement) but they also clean up before they LEAVE(...)"
"Here's the thing: The Tea Party is hundreds of times larger than OWS and has been around much longer. In the entirety of their existance, they haven't done 1/20th of what Occupiers do in one day."
(Now this is definitely baloney but let's get some hard stats up here, eh?)
And that's just from these two people.
BTW, this thread was also intended as a showcasing of facts and statistics to back up these debunkings, so links are very much appreciated.

(3,818 posts)and are never going to change unless our side pays them more to post for us.
(10,745 posts)I apologize, but didn't you see the DEBUNKING part?
We're supposed to be debunking this stuff.