Olivia Troye - Up on the Hill. The insurrection comes full circle.
I dont know about you, but Im finding it absolutely surreal to watch Donald Trumps Cabinet picks cavorting on Capitol Hill, schmoozing with lawmakers to win their favor. Many are the very same lawmakers who bore witness to Jan. 6who were targeted, in fact, by the rioters that day. Now, theyre holding pleasant meetings with those who would defend that attack, right at the site of the attack itself.
As I said, surreal. But here we are.
This week, three members of the team Trump has assembled to dismantle the federal government and seek retribution against his enemies made their way to Capitol Hill. And each, in their own way, demonstrates that Jan. 6 wasnt a one-day failed attempt to overturn our democracy, as we believed and hoped. Its an ongoing operation thats still very active.
Consider Trumps Defense nominee, Pete Hegsethhes problematic on many fronts. Hes faced multiple credible allegations of sexual misconduct, and even his own mother rebuked him years ago for mistreating women. Unfortunately, a troubling pattern that weve seen in the past amongst Republicans in Congress who challenge MAGA, but eventually fall in line, emerged once again. Senator Joni Ernst, a survivor of sexual assault and a military veteran, raised questions about Hegseths history, and the wrath of the right-wing spin machine responded. Iowas Attorney General Brenna Bird wrote a column for Breitbart and a right-wing country music star called for someone to primary her. Turning Points Charlie Kirk attacked her views on who should serve in the military.