A serious question for the Harris campaign: Where are the Jan. 6 ads?
Up to this point it appears that ads depicting the violence this nation witnessed on Jan. 6 have been conspicuously absent from the Harris campaign. Given the vast amounts of money available to our campaign it would seem to be worthwhile to remind Americans of the horrific violence Trump is responsible for stirring up on that day, and particularly emphasizing his complete indifference to it.
Just a brief reminder:
Link to tweet
There are literally thousands of videos of these thugs performing unspeakable acts of violence and property destruction, beating up police officers, sacking our most sacred space, all at the behest of Donald Trump. While he sat and watched Fox News, declining to stop the violence.
So where are the political ads? Why is there not wall-to-wall saturation of ads about this? Is there a downside to revisiting it for the campaign, that Im just missing?
Fiendish Thingy
(19,023 posts)Thats where everybody who thinks they know more than the coaches and Quarterback hang out.
(3,078 posts)They have been running here during sports broadcasts and some other shows.
Part of the -- he is unfit to be in charge of the country or the military.
I thought they were good.
It may be regional as to where they are airing them now.
(43,363 posts)usonian
(15,445 posts)The campaign team seems to know what registers with people in each region better than I do.
On my shopping list of points:
Theres something in the maga agenda that will disenfranchise and destroy EVERYONE.
As individuals, we can know or find out that that is in someone we are conversing with.
But campaign ads go out to a broader audience, so its done by a general measure of the audience.
If you want to make money in the market, watch what I do,
Such is life.
(4,691 posts)Reminds me of my one and only times in Vegas. Two long lines of one armed bandits. I'm there with my boss at a conference. He thought it strange I wouldn't even play with these to gamble. Told him I really didn't have extra money to lose. He gave me the change to play my bank, while he did the same on his side of the aisle. He won each time, and each time I lost. Finally he put the change in my sides last machine and pulled the hammer. He won. We did the same on his side, just reverse. And of course when I pulled the hammer he lost. That is why I don't gamble I told him! At least he bought me great steak dinner, tho. Lol