Taliban bans windows to stop women from being seen at home
Source: The Independent by way of MSN
The Taliban have banned windows in residential buildings to stop women from being seen while they are at home in Afghanistan.
Hibatullah Akhundzada, Taliban leader, ordered that buildings should not have windows looking into places where a woman could be sitting or standing.
The order applies to both new buildings as well as already existing ones, according to a four-clause decree posted on social media site X late on Saturday.
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Seeing women working in kitchens, in courtyards or collecting water from wells can lead to obscene acts.
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They have already ordered that womens voices shouldnt be heard in public and now they are essentially stopping women from even looking out the window.
Read more: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/taliban-bans-windows-to-stop-women-from-being-seen-at-home/ar-AA1wL7FR
Much more in the article - it's comprehensive on all the rules affecting women including ending employment of women by NGOs. You've probably already heard that they prohibit education beyond the 6th grade for girls/women.

(65,586 posts)What is wrong with Taliban men?
(36,025 posts)I guess there are no building codes in Afghanistan requiring fresh air.
(65,586 posts)For fresh air and sunshine.
Moisture and temperature control.
I guess women don't get the same luxuries as barn animals.
(9,494 posts)That'll keep the little ladies fresh and wholesome...
(Hope the Heritage Foundation isn't getting any more tips from the Taliban.)
(10,625 posts)When did Jews or Christians ever have such horrible practices?
(36,025 posts)If you're arguing that it's a matter of degree, I suppose I agree. But if you're arguing that it's ONLY Islam, then I disagree.
(5,906 posts)comradebillyboy
(10,625 posts)much worse than the others.
(1,755 posts)tend to disagree.
(1,846 posts)Irish_Dem
(65,586 posts)Only allowed out to procreate and do housework.
Wicked Blue
(7,698 posts)by banning women?
They could deport all the women to sane countries.
And just think how happy the women would be.
Ferrets are Cool
(22,094 posts)
(1,846 posts)Not that there is anything wrong, as long as they are of age ...
Mike 03
(18,211 posts)this. Not the Taliban leadership, but the man on the street. How happy can a man be if his wife/sisters/daughters/mother are suicidality depressed?
(17,516 posts)chowder66
(10,222 posts)boonecreek
(704 posts)I clicked on this thinking it might be Borowitz
or the Onion. You just can't make this stuff up.
(1,619 posts)They ought not have it.
Mike 03
(18,211 posts)It almost seems like they are trying to provoke Afghanistan women to end their lives by giving them nothing to live for. They fully are aware that the taking away of each right is leading to more and more suicides. I wonder what the birth rate is in Afghanistan. I wonder what the ratio of women to men is too. Yet they won't allow women to simply leave? You can't even call it an "open air prison for women" because the women are trapped inside, now without windows or books. I can't begin to imagine what the rate of depression is in that country among women, but also how happy can you be if your wife/sister/mother/daughters are totally miserable and oppressed?
(11,361 posts)These 'laws' are designed to protect men from the seductive 'daughters of Eve'. The mere glimpse of a woman will send a man into a sexual frenzy. Can't have that in a civilized' society.
(3,673 posts)What more can these controlling, insecure beasts do to try and keep women invisible?
(36,615 posts)I've seen Saudi writers quote men who sardonically refer to women as BMOs, "black mobile objects." Head to foot in black burqas.
Don't know if they also needed a male guardian to accompany them.
(3,673 posts)That my friend is a cell! Or the option to cover every inch of my being and go outside .I suppose that is not a form of imprisonment either! To me it would be. If Im a man strolling along in this universe's wearing comfortable clothes driving, looking out windows well that is a whole different world. With no threat of these constrictions placed on them men have no fear of ever living home life confines. Every time these people come up with an idea to control women it comes home to the US. What our women wear, where they go, if they can serve in the armed services, if they are going to get pregnant anyway there is no use in schooling them. I wish we could stop highlighting all of the obscure ways the males in other countries control their women because be assured they will try these tricks at home. Eventually it comes our way! It is exhausting, demeaning and unAmerican.
Baitball Blogger
(49,488 posts)Is that something they should be promoting?
(23,579 posts)more violent raging fnatics
Quanto Magnus
(1,092 posts)Trump win....
Trump sure was the master deal maker there....
(6,444 posts)Clouds Passing
(4,001 posts)chowder66
(10,222 posts)OnlinePoker
(5,913 posts)SWBTATTReg
(24,961 posts)glass or whatever? Are these people still stuck in the Middle Ages or worse? Answer: YES.
Since they seem to be doing more and more in making more rules for Women, obviously those rules weren't working enough (the original rules).
Maybe they need to do more on the male side, that is, if a male is caught looking into a window etc. (peeping tom), make them blind or castrate them, etc.
Rather extreme but I wouldn't be surprised at what these religious fanatics will do, ironic since most of the upper strata of the ruling religious class in Iran is old men, aged anywhere from 80 years old on up (I'm just making a stat up here, based somewhat on what I've seen of the ruling class of Iran's religious majority).
And ironically, these older men are making up the rules, kind of the wrong way of going about it, since I don't think IMHO that these 80 years old and up men aren't really getting very much 'action' at their age. Maybe I'm wrong.
(387 posts)after Don the Felon and his flunkys enact project 2025! Elect a clown get a sh*t show!
(1,151 posts)chia
(2,499 posts)Poe's law is an adage of Internet culture which says that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, any parodic or sarcastic expression of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of those views.
(6,645 posts)Amazing to me these sub humans have no self control when it comes to sex. "Obscene acts"??? WTF??
(229 posts)The weapons were there.
The soldiers had training.
They put the weapons down and yielded.
In Ukraine the men picked up the guns
In Ukraine the women picked up the guns
These people had the chance and the choice and they chose misery.
I'm just out of anything to feel bad for them.
(4,671 posts)But these Taliban guys seem to react to whatever gave one of them a stiffy the other day, by making a new law banning it.
(19,804 posts)4catsmom
(597 posts)what next? All women should kill themselves so men won't be tempted to know they exist? and just think about how many ideas they are giving Texas.
(55,026 posts)Seeing women working in kitchens, in courtyards or collecting water from wells can lead to obscene acts.
(9,405 posts)You would think this is an Onion Headline. Since I know about the Taliban, I can believe this is a real headline and story.
Wonder Why
(5,256 posts)Polybius
(19,385 posts)Vintage computer enthusiast here.