Related: About this forumWhat's new at DU! (updated Dec 6 2011)
This discussion thread was locked by Skinner (a host of the Announcements group).
Last edited Tue Dec 6, 2011, 12:06 PM - Edit history (3)
Welcome to the latest DU software preview! This is a preview of our new message board software.
Please be aware that since this software is still under development a number of features that you currently enjoy on DU are not available on DU3 Preview at this time, but rest assured they will be included in the final release.
The following is a list of working improvements that are included in this preview version of the software. Think of this as the foundation upon which the new DU will be built.
[font color=red]NOTE:[/font] This thread will be continually updated as new changes are made to the software.
Latest update: Dec 6 2011
Previous updates: May 17 2011, Feb 16 2011, Jan 20 2011
[font size="3" face="arial"]What's new at DU[/font]
Too many things to mention
Seriously, there have been a vast number of changes we have made to the software since the last revision -- and since we didn't write them all down at the time it's pretty much impossible for us to recount them here. So we'll just say, for everything you need to know to post on the new DU: click here.
--Updated May 17 2011--
Forum and group rearrangement
Most of the DU2 forums you've come to know and love (and of course, hate) are still present on DU3, but we have made a few fairly significant changes. First, only a few forums are now referred to as "forums". These are:
* Announcements
* Latest Breaking News
* General Discussion: Political Videos
* General Discussion: Recommended Reading
* General Discussion: Soapbox
* The DU Lounge
* DU Help & Meta-discussion
Everything else on DU is now referred to as a "group". There are some good reasons for this that we aren't going to go into a lot of detail about at this time. But don't worry -- unlike DU2, groups on DU3 are now open to everyone. You no longer have to be a donor to post in a group.
New forums
You'll have noticed from the list above that along with a few cosmetic adjustments we've also made some fairly significant changes to the "classic" lineup of DU forums. The most important of these are:
General Discussion
We have separated the General Discussion forums in a new way which we hope will make it easier to find the type of discussions you're looking for. Instead of General Discussion and General Discussion: Presidential we now have General Discussion: Recommended Reading and General Discussion: Soapbox.
GD Recommended Reading is here:
GD Soapbox is here:
The old DU2 forum Editorials and Other Articles has been rolled into General Discussion: Recommended Reading and the purpose of this new forum is for cross-posting stories and articles found elsewhere on the Web. In this regard the forum is something of a hybrid between the old Editorials and Other Articles forum and the General Discussion forum.
The new General Discussion: Soapbox forum is for posting your own thoughts and rants on politics, issues, and current events. Need to get something off your chest? Just saw a teabagger getting demolished on cable news? Presidential speech coming up at any minute? Post about it here.
DU Help & Meta-discussion
You may not have asked for it, but you're getting it anyway -- DU finally has a dedicated forum to talk about DU. Admit it, it's what half of you come here to talk about anyway.![]()
DU Help & Meta discussion is here:
As well as providing a space for meta-discussion, this forum is also intended as a place for newbies and DU veterans alike to ask questions about the site's features and functions and receive answers from those in the know, including the DU Administrators who will participate regularly in the DU Help & Meta-discussion forum to answer questions.
About this forum/group
Confused about the purpose of a specific forum or group? Unsure if your OP will be considered on- or off-topic? Every forum and group now features an "About" page which you can get to by clicking the "About this forum" or "About this group" buttons which appear in the bar with the large blue "Post a thread..." button near the top of the page.

These pages describe the exact purpose of the forum or group along with a wealth of other information and statistics. Note that the forum and group descriptions also appear on the main Forums & Groups page.
My Subscriptions
One of the other major upgrades that's been implemented since the last preview is the My Subscriptions page. You can visit your My Subscriptions page by clicking the My Subscriptions tab at the top of any DU3 page.
The My Subscriptions page currently lists the most recent threads from every group that you have subscribed to (in future versions you'll be able to subscribe to other DU members and keyword tags). Essentially it creates a customized Latest page that only shows you threads from the groups you're interested in. We believe that this will help to make the groups much more active.
Note that you can only subscribe to GROUPS, not to FORUMS. This is because the content in those forums moves so fast that it would quickly flood your My Subscriptions page and make it redundant with the Latest page.
You can subscribe to any group by visiting the group and clicking the "Subscribe to this group" button found next to the large blue "Post a thread..." button near the top of the page.

Once you click that button, the group will be added to your My Subscriptions page. (The button will then change to read "Unsubscribe from this group" in case you subsequently want to unsubscribe.)
As well as appearing on the My Subscriptions page, groups that you are subscribing to will appear in the main site navigation in the left-hand column of every page, as well as on your Forums & Groups page.
Group organization
All group listings have been updated and are now categorized, and groups are assigned to both primary and secondary categories. For example, the "LGBT Civil Rights and Activism" group is assigned to the "Gender & Orientation" category, and also to the "Activism" category. Categories can be found on the Forums & Groups page. (If you think we put your favorite group in the wrong categories, please let us know.)
Navigation improvements
Layout memory
If you view the Forums & Groups page in Browse mode, you'll notice that each of the top-level sections can be expanded and collapsed so you can view the page the way you want it. The software will now remember how you organized the page so you won't have to change it every time.
The main site navigation in the left-hand column of every page has also been programmed to work this way. You can expand or collapse each of the top-level sections and the software will remember how you last left it.
User functions
In order to reduce clutter, the functions that appear next to members' usernames on their posts are now hidden by default, but can be toggled on or off by clicking the username. (This includes the member's post count.)
Self-delete function
You can now self-delete any of your own posts at any time, whether they are an OP or a reply. If an OP is self-deleted, all the replies will remain intact but the thread will be automatically locked with an explanation. Self-delete also completely deletes a post's edit history. Look for the "Self-delete" link in the bottom-right corner of any of your posts (don't worry -- if you click the link, you'll be taken to a confirmation page before the post is deleted).

Automatic mobile device detection and "Preferred format"
The software will now recognize if you are visiting the site from a mobile device, and if so will automatically display the site in Mobile format. If you want to override this setting, you can change your "Preferred format for mobile devices" in the Preferences section of your My Account page. You can also set your "Preferred format for regular web browsers" -- so whether you're visiting DU on a mobile device or from a regular web browser, you can set your default view to Standard, Wide, or Mobile formats. The choice is yours.
--Updated Feb 16 2011--
Avatars and signature lines
Avatars and signature lines are now available and can be selected and edited from your My Profile page. Just click the My Profile link which can be found at the top right of every page. (Please note that it is not possible to upload your own avatar just yet, but that functionality will be included in the final version.)
Emoticons are now working on DU3 Preview -- and we've added some new ones. For a full list of emoticons and their codes, click here. (Please note that the list of emoticons currently opens on a new page and you will have to hit "Back" to return to your post -- the emoticons list will be better integrated in the final version of the software.)
Wide format
There is now a Wide format version of DU3, which removes the left-hand navigation bar on many pages and stretches the site layout to fit the full width of your monitor. The Wide format is a little closer to the original DU layout. You can change formats at any time from the Preferences section of your My Account page. Just click the My Account link which can be found at the top right of every page.
Mobile format
For smartphone users there is now a Mobile format available. This is a radically different format which is optimized for smartphones and other mobile devices -- but you can still use Mobile format in your computer's web browser if you like. You can select Mobile format at any time from the Preferences section of your My Account page. Just click the My Account link which can be found at the top right of every page. (Please note that while Mobile format is currently working, it's not fully functional yet. In particular, we have not yet programmed functionality to automatically detect when you are visiting from a mobile device -- for now, you must manually choose the Mobile mobile version from your My Account page.)
My Posts
My Posts is now available -- just click the My Posts tab at the top of any page. The new DU3 My Posts page is different from the old DU version. Here are the main changes:
* The new "Replies to me" column lists the exact number of direct replies to your post.
* If there are replies, you can click the little arrow to show the title and poster of the replies, right there on the My Posts page.
* When there are new replies, the arrow turns yellow. (Click the "Mark as read" button to reset icons to white.)
* Posts now kick to the top of the page when there are new replies, just like in a regular forum.
* The page can be sorted either by the time that you posted, or by the time that someone replies.
* We no longer have a 48 hour time limit on the My Posts page. The new time limit is... infinity!
--Updated Jan 20 2011--
Under the hood
DU3 has been built from scratch by the DU administrators, with a great deal of attention paid to every detail and every aspect of the user experience. Our emphasis has been on perfecting the core functionality of the Democratic Underground discussion forum.
The software has been programmed using fully standards-compliant HTML and CSS code, so your web browser won't get slowed down by errors. The site layout is now handled entirely by CSS so pages will load faster.
DU3 also takes advantage of today's modern web browsers, allowing us to provide functionality that does not exist in the old software.
User-friendly tabs give quick and easy access to the most important pages of the site. The tabs indicate if you are on that page.
New left-column navigation gives you instant access to all of the forums and groups on the website.
Page numbers have increased in size to make them easy to read and easy to click, and pagination shows "Prev" and "Next" links.
The Latest page
The Latest page can now be sorted and filtered in various ways. As well as the default Latest Threads view, you can now sort by Most Discussed, Most Viewed, and Most Replied.
You can filter the Latest page to show all forums and groups, just the main forums, just the topic forums, just the groups, and a number of other different ways. (Note that this feature does not currently remember your preference, but that functionality will be included in the final version.)
There is now an RSS feed for the Latest page. (In fact, there are now individual RSS feeds for EVERY forum and group.)
The Lobby (now "Forums and Groups" )
The Lobby is now known as "Forums and Groups." There are two ways to view this page: Browse Mode and Show All Mode.
Forums and groups are listed together by topic, which makes it easier to find similar forums and groups that might interest you.
Browse Mode displays the total all-time number of messages posted in each forum or group, as well as the total number of messages posted in each forum or group during the past 30 days. Browse Mode also displays the title of the most recent thread posted in each forum or group.
Forums and threads
Forums now show the start time and time of last reply for each thread without having to click an extra link.
The "mark" function has been improved. The traditional method of marking a forum (after marking, new posts are displayed with yellow icons) has been retained, but you now have the option to highlight the 10 newest replies to each thread instead. If you choose this alternative, then whenever you view a thread then only the 10 most recent replies will be displayed with yellow icons.
A large "Reply to this thread" button now appears at both the top and bottom of each thread.
The "Thread info" button gives you useful information about each thread.
Replies to threads are now slightly indented making it much easier to see who is replying to whom. In addition, the top right corner of each post now displays the username of the person being replied to as well as the post number, again making it easier to see who is replying to whom.
The number of views that a thread has received is now displayed in-thread.
Single-post mode clearly shows the title of the thread at the top of the page, and a link to the Original Post.
Every post shows a link to its location in-thread, and also a "permalink" to see the post by itself.
The new Post page features a wide input area for writing your message subject -- no more side-scrolling.
When you preview your post, it actually looks like your post -- same font, same formatting, same everything.
You now have unlimited time to edit your posts (previously there was a one hour edit window after which posts could not be edited). Each post has a public edit history which displays all the edits that have been made.
User registration and log-in functions
Although user registration is currently turned off during this preview period, the user registration and log-in functions on DU3 are much more robust. You can select the password you want at the moment you create your account, rather than having one assigned by the software and then changing it later. You can easily retrieve your username, password, or both if you have access to your email address. A security question feature has been added.
Other functions
You can now send an alert without leaving a thread. The "Alert abuse" link will allow you to send an alert directly from any post.
You can easily edit your profile information without leaving your profile page.
The software sets a maximum screen width which makes it easier to read on very wide screens.
Much shorter URLs make it easier to link to pages.
The software sets a relative time for visitors who are not logged in (for example, "Last reply: 4 hours ago" ) and the exact time if you are logged in (for example, "Last reply: 9:30 AM" ).
Contextual buttons change depending on which page you are viewing. You don't see the same icons on every page any more.
Missing features (don't worry, they're coming back)
Right-column Latest Breaking News feed on Latest page
Account management
Full profiles including post count
DU Mail/Inbox
"My Forums" (this will return under the umbrella of "My Subscriptions" which we will talk about at a later date)
Advanced search function
Printer-friendly pages
While these features are not currently implemented in this preview version of DU3, we expect all of them to be present in the final version.
Also note: the list of forums and groups on DU3 is not completely identical to the list of forums and groups on DU. This will be fixed in the final version.

(36,974 posts)Will the new version allow for embedded YouTube videos?
That's yet another feature we have not programmed yet.
Welcome to DU3!
(22,109 posts)If we are going to be able to embed videos, would it be possible to have a "Documentaries Forum" to go alongside the "Political Videos Forum"? Or is this something that should go through the process of forming a new "Group"?
Congrats and thanks to all 3 of you for all the hard work you have been and are doing to make this the best forum on the internet.
(15,741 posts)I also hope the videos will still be on the home page.
Schema Thing
(10,283 posts)AlecBGreen
(3,874 posts)If so, bravo!
(11,209 posts)I really like this new layout. Looking forward to the finished product.
Divine Discontent
(21,056 posts)We must be over the rainbow!
(106,886 posts)You now have unlimited time to edit your posts (previously there was a one hour edit window after which posts could not be edited). Each post has a public edit history which displays all the edits that have been made.
(68,644 posts)OK, I'm invisible, right?
(20,453 posts)You RULE!
Just what a wanted for a 10th birthday... new stuff!
NV Whino
(20,886 posts)I'm sure that will change with finished product, but this is looking really good.
(36,974 posts)I'm not sure if I like that idea.
I usually make tons of mistakes and edits,
if everyone can see all my mistakes it's going to be embarrassing <blush>
(49,314 posts)we love ya anyway and hiya neighbor!
(24,662 posts)Periodically, I have made some inflammatory statements that I changed after I had posted.
I'd prefer they remain unavailable to anyone.
(15,741 posts)Kali
(56,126 posts)some times a self delete is the fastest way to "maintain civility" if ya know wut Ah mean.
If it is still hanging there for all to see...
woo me with science
(32,139 posts)I have done this, too.
Renew Deal
(83,640 posts)I typed something, then changed my mind about the tone and editted it. I don't like that it's still there.
(108,322 posts)edit history being posted.
(6,384 posts)Please rethink this one, admins.
(20,377 posts)
(20,377 posts)nt
(24,740 posts)For posts that are edited in order to maintain civility, what's the use in editing if the parts edited out are still viewable?
(31,493 posts)SoCalDem
(103,856 posts)
(229,762 posts)[IMG][/IMG]
(18,678 posts)These pages load wicked fast!
I'm going to have to install a seat belt on my computer chair.
So far, I like it.
(29,409 posts)That's a function I've always dreamed of.
(35,568 posts)You're awesome.
(12,977 posts)For most purposes, I won't miss them -- but there are always a few threads which present a really interesting news item or editorial and get lots of recommendations but little or no discussion. Those are often the most intellectual and analytical pieces, and I'd hate to miss them because everybody is too awestruck by their brilliance to have much to add.
(35,568 posts)struggle4progress
(121,814 posts)Tx4obama
(36,974 posts)I believe I will like all the new features,
but I like the looks of the old DU better.
On the old DU I like the ICONS at the top of the page and the links at the top of the page better than having them on the left side of the new page, new page seems too scrunched up.
(24,662 posts)But where's my flying car?
The future is supposed to have flying cars and robots that make breakfast
(36,974 posts)Where the words are that say: View profile Read journal Send DU Mail Ignore
if you had the little icons like on the old DU instead of words, then there would be less 'blue' and it would be easier on the eyes.
Electric Monk
(13,869 posts)For example, I notice that replying to your post shows your post as a wall of text with html code mixed in. /b /font etc.
I don't mind doing some beta testing for you though (see above).
cry baby
(6,796 posts)Tx4obama
(36,974 posts)Two parts of the BUG
1) Click on the link on the left side of the page that says:
General Discussion: Presidency
okay now look up at the blue heading line that says: DU Home » Latest Threads » Forums & Groups » Main » General Discussion
the word Presidency is not there at the end of that line and it should be.
2) Now click on one of the posts there where you are
and then go to the top and click on the link that says: General Discussion
you get an error message that says:
Query failed: SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(posted) as posted FROM zzforum_Pres_ WHERE id = 'idency (Forum)'
Probably because it is the General Discussion: Presidency forum and not the General Discussion forum.
(20,599 posts)I can confirm that that specific bug occurs when taking those particular steps.
FYI we'll be making plenty more revisions before we're ready to unveil a proper beta version of this software for bug testing, so there's no need to worry too much about errors like that at the moment. But I appreciate you pointing it out.
(34,189 posts)I really like the whole change. Thank you!
(83,484 posts)I can recall the changes over the years, from the Stone Age to the Space Age in a decade; you guys are always ahead of the curve in development...
(32,017 posts)
(1,587 posts)I'm always a little afraid when a site/message board makes big changes, but I have to say this is looking good so far! Really bumps it up another huge jump.
Thank you!
OH! And Happy Birthday, Democratic Underground!
myrna minx
(22,772 posts)This is really exciting.
(1,204 posts)
(22,762 posts)But as Jim Robinson pointed out at Free Republic, it costs literally MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to include those things
(32,108 posts)and I love the tabs at top and being able to edit what threads appear. Smart upgrades.
(39,166 posts)The best board on the 'net is getting better.
(3,344 posts)hunter
(39,379 posts)
Opera 11, custom skin / Ubuntu
Not so bad on larger screen.

(4,919 posts)Coyote_Bandit
(6,783 posts)Would it be possible to upgrade the ignore list functionality?
Specifically, would it be possible to add (1) a date field showing when the DUer was added to the ignore list and (2) a field to either note the nature of the commentary or link to the specific thread that led to adding the DUer to the ignore list.
Sometimes when I put someone on my ignore list it is because I don't ever again want to read their commentary or interact with them. I want to permanently isolate myself.
But far, far more often when I add someone to my ignore list it is with the intention of removing them from that list after a few weeks or months - or after a particular issue is no longer being prominently discussed. I want a temporary time-out.
These added features would make it much easier to use the ignore list to make the distinction between permanent isolation and a temporary time-out.
Just a thought for your consideration.
(22,762 posts)We're going to be reviewing each missing DU feature before we put them back into DU3, and many of them will be overhauled or upgraded. Ignore is one of the features that is likely to see some improvements.
(12,774 posts)to know their thoughts on issues.
(6,783 posts)I've appreciated how the functionality of DU has evolved through the years. My experience here has generally been quite positive. I attribute that to the functionality of the board and to the dedicated efforts of the admins and mods.
As someone who is visully impaired, I'd also like to suggest that you make options available to view DU pages in normal, large and extra large fonts. Even though I always use the large font setting I find that there are times when I resort to changing the zoom level in my browser to read various things. I am only partially sighted in one eye and the vision in my other eye does not correct to 20/20. I know this doesn't affect the vast majority of the folks here on DU - but it would be a really nice option for those of us who are impacted.
Renew Deal
(83,640 posts)Keep up the good work! I'm happy to test anything for you.
cry baby
(6,796 posts)New DU lookin good!
(67,112 posts)TygrBright
(21,058 posts)I'm impressed!
Can't wait to see it when you're done.
One question: On the Home page, where the graphic that now says "What's New on DU3" with Grovelbot's handsome puss, what will appear? Will we get a list of latest LBN posts? Greatest stuff? Advertising (and that will leave a big blank spot for those of us with AdBlock Plus...)? Latest videos? What?
(63,645 posts)Most likely the latest posts from LBN posts.
(14,537 posts)thank you, I know you probably don't hear it enough but I really appreciate all of the hard work which is going into this effort. And just thanks for being all-around great folks!
(229,762 posts)Here's to DU.3! *toast* *hi*
(15,741 posts)In fact, what about creating a DU button for use on other sites?
(29,409 posts)It was around the time they added the rec/unrec which also noted how many actual recs and unrecs there were. This only lasted a very short time. And when they took away the unrec count I think the share function went, too. I don't think I dreamed that, but I seem to be the only one who remembers it.
But yeah, I'd love to have that be available.
(15,741 posts)PeaceNikki
(27,985 posts)Is this thing on?
I like it, BUT, I hope the OP would show all the HTML and will be formatted in the final release.
Nice work, EarlG!!
Oh, also... a question: will users be able to see more than 48 hours in "My Posts". It's be nice if we could configure that at a user level. For some of us, 48 hrs is 1 or 3 posts while for others it's pages.
Just wondering!!
(63,645 posts)LVT
(1,002 posts)My internet access is mostly mobile these days and I must say this looks marvelous. I had not signed in for the longest time but now with this new look and feel I will find the experience comfortable and worth staying.
Thanks again for the great update.
As far as bugs go, I am confident any found will be resolved.
Posted from DROID2
(34,657 posts)How did...oh...I...Oh.
Never mind, my mistake.
Celtic Raven
(415 posts)Makes it easier to follow.
Off to see what else is new.
Happy 10th B'day!
(10,967 posts)I am super-impressed. We are very lucky to have you.
For what it's worth, the main new features I'd love to see would be to make composing O.P.'s and replies more like blog posting, with buttons to more easily add bolding, italics, indentations, and especially links -- AND the ability to paste quoted text in, preserving all those same aspects from the original, copied text.
If I had to narrow it down to one thing, it would be to do whatever can be done to make it as easy as possible for people to provide LINKS to sources.
(31,011 posts)Any idea on when we get to move in and call it home?
(63,645 posts)We need to program a bunch of functions that exist on the old DU, but don't exist yet on DU3.
(9,308 posts)Odin2005
(53,521 posts)One thing that has always annoyed me about DU is that BBcode has to be entered by hand, there are no buttons to easily bold, italicize, and put text in a quote box. DU needs it ASAP.
(22,762 posts)freshwest
(53,661 posts)Many thanks Skinner and all of you,
For providing this forum for us. It means more than I can say to those of us who didn't agree with the Selection of 2000. I wish I'd found my way over here much sooner.
As far as the new format, it looks great, but I'm concerned about the remark that 'Journals' will be 'coming back.'
Should we copy our current Journal entries to our computers during this process to prevent their deletion?
I'd been deleting links and writings as I put them in my Journal for safe keeping.
Just a note here will be fine, whatever way you guys have to do this is great.
I think that other posters with Journals might like an answer to this question as well.
Much respect and highest regards.
(63,645 posts)To be honest, we're not sure exactly how we will be handling the stuff in your journals. But we know we're not going to delete it.
(53,661 posts)And for making this a great place to communicate.
(29,409 posts)I reference my journal all the time (though I wish there were an easy way to search my journal instead of always having to scroll through all the pages backwards). But other than that, I cherish my journal and would have been sad to lose its contents.
(11,698 posts)For iPhone & Android & Blackberry?
(63,645 posts)d_r
(6,908 posts)all my friends are yuppies, but I'm just a nopie.
I hope the mobile version will work on dumb phones, too!
(7,619 posts)thanks for the hard work
(6,440 posts)Whoops that's already been covered upthread
(15,686 posts)Am having a problem with contractions. Can\\\'t, won\\\'t, haven\'t. I didn\'t type those slashes. I\'ve tried to remove them. The program won\'t let me.
(11,406 posts)Elad
(11,406 posts)Make7
(8,547 posts)And who deleted your post?
(854 posts)I've enjoyed DU very much. I have read the new version post, and I'm looking forward to DU 3.
(13,297 posts)quickie comment - to test the works
would be cool if the 'preview' button took you back to your post vs. to the top of the original post... but that may already be in consideration so just mentioning
thanks for the D3PREVU!
woo me with science
(32,139 posts)
(9,509 posts)louslobbs
(3,416 posts)thanks DU for all that you do.
Terra Alta
(5,158 posts)Been waiting a long time for DU3. Thanks for all the hard work y'all have done!
(25,053 posts)thank you
(25,053 posts)Haven't read through all the facts about new DU but
would like the old journal to continue into new.
(72,790 posts)Sorry if it's included in the info. above.
I don't see it.