South Korean journalists are not normalizing trump
This morning I watched a recording of KBS World News in Korean with no subtitles. Although I speak almost no Korean, the visuals alone plus the occasional English speaking guest got me through it.
How did they cover trump? Basically, like he was insane. They talked about his "plans" to take over Greenland and Panama and Canada showing clips of him talking as they translated. They went into detail about why the Panama Canal was essential for the worlds' economy and showed wild protests in Panama against trump. Protesters were carrying anti trump signs and showing their disgust. They also interviewed people on the street in Canada who talked about trump's plan to make Canada the fifty first state with the disgust that you used to see from people on American TV. One black lady in Canada said trump needs to zip it and made the zip gesture across her lips.
They had English speaking economists on who trashed his tariff plan.
It was really refreshing. I have made a New Years' resolution to not watch anything (or read anything for that matter) that normalizes this. And the normalization is already off the charts crazy. Can you imagine how bad it will get?