And so it continues. How many more bad deals made by Trump and the GOP will the Dems and other citizens have
to pay for with their blood, sweat and tears? Trump gets away with making bad deals and blaming others, namely the Dems, for the outcomes. For example, the tariffs on China that were paid for by everyday US workers through subsidies to American farmers to make up for loss in farm sales, or like Afghanistan withdrawal that the GOP and Trump put in place with horrific scheduling that Biden was stuck with and blamed for bad outcomes, or like giving free reign to Israel first moving the capitol and then giving Bibi the wink and not violate sovereign sanctity by "pre-emptive" bombing in Iran and unbridled assassinations of ranking military officials in other countries, or like claiming without any proof that the 2020 election was stolen, setting the nation at odds with law enforcement and its own government for which ordinary citizens are paying for right now, or the obscene tax breaks for the uber wealthy that has set off economic insecurities for decades, or his initial decision to ignore COVID and berate scientists who took opposite positions.
Neither Trump nor the GOP have yet suffered their just and deserved consequences. In fact, they have been rewarded for their cruelty, lying, cheating, and disrespect for law and order.
Now Canada. Where will it end? When will it end? How long will willful ignorance and a compliant media prevail?